What does a slash mean?

What does a slash mean?

What does a slash mean?

Once used to mark periods and commas, the slash is now most often used to represent exclusive or inclusive or, division and fractions, and as a date separator. It is called a solidus in Unicode, it is also known as an oblique stroke, and it has several other historical or technical names, including oblique and virgule.

What does a slash mean in a script?

The text being read should be enclosed within quotation marks. When a character recites poetry or song lyrics, enclose the lines in quotes. You may indicate the end of a line by means of a slash (“/”). This is preferable to ending each line with a hard return, as it does not alter the dialogue margins.

Which is back slash?

The backslash \ is a typographical mark used mainly in computing and is the mirror image of the common slash /. It is sometimes called a hack, whack, escape (from C/UNIX), reverse slash, slosh, downwhack, backslant, backwhack, bash, reverse slant, and reversed virgule.

What does a slash mean in legal documents?

In the legal field, we sometimes use slashes to indicate that there is nothing following the text when there is extra space at the end of a page. An example would be when a heading falls at the bottom of the page in a brief.


“And and or” is generally false in colloquial English since most people who use “or” actually mean “exclusive or” (xor, where something can be either A or B but not both). Therefore “and or or” is correct.