What is the social setting of The Crucible?

What is the social setting of The Crucible?

What is the social setting of The Crucible?

The Crucible is steeped in the language and customs of seventeenth century east coast America. Running parallel to these early events are those that took place in Miller’s own time, on which the playwright symbolically comments through the story of the witch trials.

What does The Crucible tell us about society?

The themes in the crucible are as important to people in the 21st century as in Salem in 1692. These include justice, reputation, hysteria, intolerance and empowerment. All of these are common themes throughout human history.

What is the social injustice in The Crucible?

The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller, based on the Salem Witch Trials during 1692. During this play there was social injustice done to those who were accused of witchcraft. During the trials the only evidence to prove the accused of guilty or not guilty came from children.

How did The Crucible impact society?

It also encourages people to challenge certain social norms. “The court killed innocent people and raised rebellion because they were unwilling to adapt and consider new ideas,” Reitman said. “ ‘The Crucible’ is very effective at portraying a state of hysteria and how it can rob people of their senses.”

What kind of community was Salem?

Salem is a Puritan community, and its inhabitants live in an extremely restrictive society. Although the Puritans left England to avoid religious persecution, they established a society in America founded upon religious intolerance.

Why is the setting important in Crucible?

Setting in both time and geography are key elements to the success for Arthur Miller’s 1953 drama, “The Crucible”. He grafts the ideas of forgiveness, betrayal, integrity and hysteria onto the very real Salem witch-trials of 1692, and then uses the names of real individuals in order to explore these themes.

What is the main message of The Crucible?

The main themes in The Crucible include the destructive power of lies, the importance of reputation, and hysteria and corruption. The destructive power of lies: Abigail and her friends tell a series of lies to avoid being punished for breaking the rules. These lies ultimately destroy the community of Salem.

What is the main theme in The Crucible?

Reputation is one of the major themes in the play, The Crucible. Most of the characters of the story strive hard to maintain their reputations. The prominent example is John Proctor, who hides his affair with Abigail. He fears it will harm his reputation in the society.

What are some social issues in The Crucible?


  • Intolerance. The Crucible is set in a theocratic society, in which the church and the state are one, and the religion is a strict, austere form of Protestantism known as Puritanism.
  • Hysteria.
  • Reputation.
  • Goodness.
  • Judgment.
  • Social Status.
  • Ownership and Property.
  • Justice.

How is injustice shown in The Crucible?

People that are accused are guilty till proven innocent. In the Crucible it portrays injustice by how Danforth is not following court that is ruled by religion, Abigail intimidating the court, and the accused not having proper court rights. The following reasons will explain why the crucible is injustice.

What moral lesson might one take from The Crucible?

The play was originally written as a direct criticism of McCarthyism, the practice of making accusations without proper regard for evidence. Therefore, the main idea of the play is to encourage people to remain calm during crisis situations and to not jump to the worst conclusions.

What is social status in the Crucible?

Academic anxiety? Throughout the crucible social status is shown as the most important thing to any man or women in the town of Salem, people of the town would go to great lengths to maintain a high status which would technically give them more control over the town. This can work towards someone’s advantage or disadvantage.

What is the religion in the Crucible?

The Crucible is set in a theocratic society, in which the church and the state are one, and the religion is a strict, austere form of Protestantism known as Puritanism.

How are class divisions shown in the Crucible?

The world of Salem in the 1600s contained many class divisions. Men were considered much more important than women. White people were considered more valuable than people of color. And wealthy people had more status than the poor. The Crucible reflects these divisions, and the way they privilege certain characters over others.

Which character in the Crucible struggles the most with goodness?

John struggles the most with goodness: it takes signing a false confession, then ripping it up, for him to recognize that the only way he can be good is by being honest and true to himself. Another major theme in The Crucible is that of judgment, especially seen in the characters of Danforth and Rev. Hale.