Do you use a comma or semicolon for lists?

Do you use a comma or semicolon for lists?

Do you use a comma or semicolon for lists?

It is usual to use commas to separate the items in a list. However, when the list items themselves contain commas, you can “outrank” those commas by using semicolons as the separators for your list items.

Do you use a colon before a list?

Colons with Lists. Use a colon before a list when the list is preceded by a complete independent clause. Never use a colon to separate a preposition from its objects or a verb from its complements. Some form of the word follow usually indicates a colon before the list.

What are semicolons commas?

A semicolon is used to separate two ideas (two independent clauses) that are closely related. They can also be used when listing complex ideas or phrases that use commas within them. Essentially, a semicolon is like a comma with more meaning or a colon with more flexibility.

Are as follows Colon?

With “as follows” and the like. A colon is normally used after as follows, the following, and similar expressions. The steps are as follows: first, put a vest on; second, grab a rope and jump in; third, put the ski on; fourth, hold on!