How are migrant workers treated in China?

How are migrant workers treated in China?

How are migrant workers treated in China?

Rural migrant laborers propelled the extraordinary boom of China’s economy over the last decades but are still subject to discrimination and unfair treatment. Their children often have limited access to healthcare and education and are often separated from their parents for years on end.

How many migrant workers are in China?

292.5 million migrant workers
Number of migrant workers in China 2011-2021. In 2021, there were approximately 292.5 million migrant workers in China. Around 120.8 million of them were local migrant workers, working in the vicinity of their place of home, while 171.7 million worked at more distant places in their home province or in regions far away …

How many migrant children are in China?

103 million
The most recent data, based on the 2015 1% National Population Sample Survey conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), puts the total number of children of migrant workers at around 103 million or about 38 percent of the total number of children in China.

What are migrant workers in China?

Migrant workers are not necessarily rural workers; they can simply be people living in urban areas with rural household registration. In 2015 a total of 277.5 million migrant workers (36% of the total workforce of 770 million) existed in China.

What are some major complaints from these migrants in China?

A report by the China Youth Research Center states that loneliness is a major complaint of this new generation of migrants. Another survey found that half of young male migrants polled said that low wages made them reluctant to approach potential romantic partners.

What is a peasant worker in China?

Generally speaking, the term “peasant workers” refers to the laborers who maintain a small piece of land in the countryside and receive non-agricultural income at the same time. Peasant workers can be categorized into three groups.

What percent of China is immigrants?

The 2020 census counted 1.4 million overseas residents (jingwai renyuan) in mainland China—which is sizable in absolute terms but accounts for just 0.1 percent of the total population—including 846,000 foreign nationals and 585,000 residents of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, although these are underestimates that fail …

Why are there left-behind children in China?

Because of the barriers to access educational resources outside of their places of origins, people with high mobility have to either send their children to migrant worker schools or leave their children behind in the rural hometown, causing the increase of the left-behind children in China.

Why do people internally migrate in China?

The government has used internal migration as a tool to unify the nation by shifting the population balance in provinces which were regarded as security risks. There are 55 official minority populations in China but together they represent less than 3% of the total population.

Can people in China pick their jobs?

They can choose and change their jobs fairly freely although many do not move because of the benefits of entitlements under the welfare system administered by state-owned enterprises.