How do you care for a Clerodendrum plant?

How do you care for a Clerodendrum plant?

How do you care for a Clerodendrum plant?

Growing Clerodendrum Bleeding Heart In cooler climates, it is commonly grown as a houseplant. Clerodendrum bleeding heart performs best in partial shade or dappled sunlight, but it may tolerate full sunlight with plenty of moisture. The plant prefers rich, fertile, well-drained soil.

Are Clerodendrum perennials?

Clerodendrum is a genus of small trees, shrubs, lianas, and subherbaceous perennials.

Is Clerodendrum fast growing?

Plant specs Clerodendrum quadriloculare is a fast grower for sun to partial shade.

How big do clerodendrum trees get?

Characteristics. Fast-growing starburst clerodendrum grows well in zones 9b to 11 and can be used as a shrub or tree. Typically reaching a height of 15 feet, this plant is most eye-catching in mid-winter and early spring when its showy tubular flowers—white tipped and pink below—appear in large clusters.

How tall does a clerodendrum get?

The glossy, dark green, oval leaves are 5-7″ long with smooth edges and pointed on the end. In its native habitat it can grow 10-15 feet tall, but as a container plant will remain much smaller.

What does clerodendrum smell like?

Clerodendrum trichotomum. Flowers with a sweet scent, reminiscent of jasmine. Notable long stamens. Ovate leaves that smell like raw peanut butter when crushed.

Is clerodendrum edible?

Edible Uses Young sprouts and leaves – cooked[105, 177].

How tall does a Clerodendrum get?

How does clerodendrum spread?

Your Starburst Clerodendrum will bloom best in full sun, but even dappled sunlight will encourage its growth. We’ve seen them form dense canopies in full sun or grow more widely spread branches in shaded spots. Regardless, they like moist, well-drained soil at first, then will grow to be more drought tolerant.

Is clerodendrum drought tolerant?

On the positive side, it is absolutely beautiful, easy care and drought tolerant.