How do you make hazelnut butter from scratch?

How do you make hazelnut butter from scratch?

How do you make hazelnut butter from scratch?

Leaving excess skin behind, scoop hazelnuts into a food processor or high speed blender. Blend on low until a butter begins to form – about 7-9 minutes total – scraping down sides as needed. Once the hazelnut butter is creamy and smooth, add the ground cinnamon, sea salt, and coconut sugar (optional).

How do you make healthy hazelnut butter?


  1. Step 1: Add the hazelnuts onto a sheet pan lined with parchment paper.
  2. Step 2: Roast at 325°F for 15 minutes until golden brown and looking a bit oily on top.
  3. Step 3: Cool on the pan for about 10 minutes, until they are cool enough to handle with your hands.

How do you thicken hazelnut butter?

If you prefer a less fluid and thicker consistency, add 1 teaspoon of room temperature water and pulse for 15-30 seconds. Notice how the nut butter becomes thicker. If desired, add a pinch of salt at the end of the process. Transfer to a sterile mason type jar, allow to come to room temperature and then refrigerate.

Is hazelnut butter the same as Nutella?

Nutella tends to be treated like nut butter, as it has hazelnut in the description and is similar to nut butters in terms of serving size, fat, and carbohydrate content. The difference, though, is the sugar content.

How long does hazelnut butter last?

It’ll keep for between three and six months in the fridge—plus you won’t get the oil separation inside the jar that occurs at room temperature (not a big deal; just stir until smooth.). No matter what, make sure the lid is on tight. If in doubt—if a nut butter smells off—don’t eat it.

How do you roast raw hazelnuts?

To roast kernels, spread whole, raw kernels in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake at 275 degrees F. for 15-20 minutes. Take care not to over roast as nuts can scorch quickly. To remove skins, wrap warm hazelnuts in a dish towel and let them sit for 5 to 10 minutes.

Why is my nut butter dry?

If your homemade nut butter is dry, chances are that the nuts are either over-roasted, not ground well enough, or it has been stored improperly. Usually, you’ll only need to roast the almonds for about 10 minutes at a temperature of about 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

How long does homemade nut butter last?

Nut butters will keep for several weeks in a glass jar with a cover in the fridge. You can also freeze nut butters for up to 4 months. Some people make quick nut milks by blending about a tablespoonful of their homemade nut butter with a cup of water.

Is hazelnut spread healthier than peanut butter?

Bottom Line: Without hesitation, Peanut Butter is the ‘healthier’ alternative to Nutella. Peanut Butter is lower in sugar, higher in protein and often lower in your unhealthy fats.

Is hazelnut butter good for you?

Hazelnut butter is rich in oleic acid, a form of monounsaturated fat that may help lower your risk risk of heart disease and stroke. This unusual pick is also completely free of natural sugars and is another great source of vitamin E, Keatley adds.

Does homemade hazelnut butter need to be refrigerated?

Since homemade nut butter doesn’t have added preservatives like most store-bought nut butters it can go rancid more quickly. The key is to limit your home made nut butter to light, heat and air, preferably keeping it refrigerated or even frozen.

Should hazelnut butter be refrigerated?

It’s generally best to refrigerate our nut butters. Because they do not contain any artificial preservatives or stabilizers, they can become rancid if left out of refrigeration for an extended period of time and/or exposed to warm temperatures.