How do you use first second and third in a sentence?

How do you use first second and third in a sentence?

How do you use first second and third in a sentence?

When we want to put things in order, we use ordinal numbers so we can tell the position of that thing. For example, if there is a road with three houses, you will pass them in order of the first house, the second and the third. In the following sentences, spell the ordinal number in full to complete the sentence.

What is but in grammar?

But as preposition We use but as an alternative to except (for), apart from and bar to introduce the only thing or person that the main part of the sentence does not include. It is often used after words such as everyone, nobody, anything, anywhere, all, no, none, any, every.

Does however mean but?

“But” and “however” essentially mean the same thing and serve the same purpose, then why is the punctuation they use different? There’s a simple explanation for this. “But” is a conjunction, and “however” is a conjunctive adverb.

When can I use however?

‘However’ can be used to join two simple sentences to make a compound sentence. ‘However’ indicates that the relationship between the two independent clauses is one of contrast or opposition. The engineers claimed that the bridge was safe; however, they were still not prepared to risk crossing.

How do you say However in a positive way?

“Let me know when you’ve completed your interview, however well or badly it goes.”…What is another word for however?neverthelessdespite thatin spite of thatnonethelessyetalthoughanywaynotwithstandingstillthat said35