How much does it cost to incorporate in the BVI?

How much does it cost to incorporate in the BVI?

How much does it cost to incorporate in the BVI?

All BVI incorporated companies. The most significant changes are highlighted below: Incorporation fee for a standard company authorised to issue up to 50,000 shares will increase from US$350 to US$450, and for a company authorised to issue more than 50,000 shares, from US$1,100 to US$1,200.

How do I incorporate into the British Virgin Islands?

Here are the steps to incorporating in the British Virgin Islands:

  1. Step 1: Reserve your Company Name. The first step is to reserve a company name with the BVI Registry.
  2. Step 2: Appoint a Registered Agent.
  3. Step 3: Open a bank account.
  4. Step 4: Submit all relevant documents.

Can I open a company in British Virgin Islands?

Only 1 director and 1 shareholder are required in a BVI Company Formation, the director and shareholder can be the same person. You do not need to be resident in BVI to be a director or shareholder. A BVI Company Registration can be set up with no personal visit required. No annual accounting requirements.

How much does it cost to maintain an offshore company?

Estimates Across Jurisdictions – Offshore Company Registration and 1st Year Maintenance Total Cost

Jurisdictions Registration +first-year costs of S.A./INC/CORP or IBC
Bermuda USD 13,450
BVI IBC IBC+apostille+nominee shareholder USD 2,550 USD 5,850
The Cayman Islands A company with an authorized capital of USD 50,000 USD 4,500

How much does it cost to open offshore company?

Bank Account Costs Establishing an offshore bank account in this way could cost between $550 to $750, plus the cost of setting up the offshore company. An offshore company typically costs between $1585 and $3,495. So, one could expect the total offshore account costs to be about the $2135 to $4,245 for both.

Why do companies incorporate in BVI?

A BVI company can be incorporated quickly, with a flexible organisational structure and minimal financial reporting requirements. BVI companies are ideal for startup companies as they can be operated from anywhere in the world and there are no restrictions on where a BVI company can carry out its business.

How do I start an offshore company in the British Virgin Islands?


  1. STEP 1 – SUBMIT INCORPORATION ORDER FORM FOR BVI COMPANY INCORPORATION. Please provide us your email address in the package details and we will email you the necessary incorporation forms.

How much does it cost to set up a company in the Cayman Islands?

Fees and timelines in 2022 Incorporation costs in Year 1 amount to US$5,500 and annual company costs in Year 2 and thereafter amount to US$750. The average fee per Cayman Islands engagement amounts to US$16,162, which includes company incorporation, opening a local corporate bank account, and all government fees.

How do you create an offshore company?

4. How to set up an offshore company: Incorporation Procedure

  1. 4.1. Select a company name. There are certain naming requirements for your company name to get approval from the competent authority which is commonly known as the Company Registry.
  2. 4.2. Fulfill KYC requirements.
  3. 4.3. Deliver documents to the Company Registry.

Is the British Virgin Islands a FATF compliant country?

The British Virgin Islands is a compliant jurisdiction, which has never been blacklisted by the FATF and the OECD. It has started to implement OECD’s automatic exchange of information for tax purposes (AEoI) through the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) in 2017.

What is the BVI IBC?

The BVI IBC is very quick and simple to incorporate, it requires minimum administration, at the same time providing privacy, asset protection and limited liability.

Is there a stamp duty in the British Virgin Islands?

There is a stamp duty is imposed on the transfer of land in the British Virgin Islands. It is imposed on the contract value or the market value and ranges from 4% to 12%. Land tax is levied annually at USD 50 for a half acre or less and USD 150 between half an acre and one acre.