What are comparative and superlative adjectives in Spanish?

What are comparative and superlative adjectives in Spanish?

What are comparative and superlative adjectives in Spanish?

Comparative and superlative adjectives (los grados del adjetivo) allow us to compare the qualities expressed by adjectives. In Spanish grammar, comparative adjectives express more or less of a certain quality, whilst superlative adjectives express a superior quality.

What are superlative adjectives in Spanish?

In Spanish there are two types of superlatives: el superlativo relativo (the relative superlative) and el superlativo absoluto (the absolute superlative). The latter expresses the adjective quality in its highest degree, above all other possible terms of comparison.

Is Muy a superlative?

Muy. The first way to transform a Spanish adverb or adjective into an absolute superlative is muy fácil, in other words: very easy. While in English you can simply pair adverbs and adjectives with the word “very”, in Spanish you can pair them with “muy”.

What is the superlative of Caro?

There is also an alternative form of the absolute superlative. This alternate form is made by adding the suffix –ísimo/–a/–os/–as to an adjective. If the adjective ends in a vowel, remove the final vowel before adding the suffix: Caro: expensive. Carisímo: very expensive.

What is the superlative of Grande?

3 Irregular comparatives and superlatives

Adjective Meaning Superlative
bueno good el mejor
malo bad el peor
grande big el mayor
pequeño small el menor

What is the comparative for Malo?

bad peor
3 Irregular comparatives and superlatives

Adjective Meaning Comparative
bueno good mejor
malo bad peor
grande big mayor
pequeño small menor

What is the superlative form of Sabrosa?

sabrosa no direct translation
superlative excepcional el superlativo