What does Dimmesdale say to the community?

What does Dimmesdale say to the community?

What does Dimmesdale say to the community?

This is the third scene on the scaffold. Dimmesdale has gone from denial to secret confession to public confession. On the scaffold, Dimmesdale turns to Hester and says: “Is this not better than what we dreamed of in the forest?” He tells her God is merciful, and begs her to let him take responsibility for his shame.

What happened to Chillingworth at the end of the scarlet letter?

In the end, Chillingworth is morally degraded by his monomaniacal pursuit of revenge. Dimmesdale is broken by his own sense of guilt, and he publicly confesses his adultery before dying in Hester’s arms. Only Hester can face the future bravely, as she prepares to begin a new life with her daughter, Pearl, in Europe.

Is Hester Prynne ashamed of her sin?

Characters in this novel go through their lives struggling with trying to cope with the guilt and shame associated with actions that lost them their honorable reputation. Hester Prynne’s guilt is the result of her committing adultery, which has a significant effect on her life.

Why does Chillingworth not want Dimmesdale to confess?

Why does Chillingworth try to stop Dimmesdale’s confession? Dimmesdale’s acknowledgement of that sin has freed her and made her a full human being. The one place that Dimmesdale is safe from Chillingworth is. The scaffold, because that’s the one place that Chillingworth can’t use the secret against him.

Does Hester feel guilty for her sin?

Hester starts by seeing her act as a sin that she is sorry for committing. She changes and no longer feels sorry for the sin. In chapter six Hawthorne writes that Hester knows “her deed had been evil” (92). This evil deed, in Hester’s eyes, causes Pearl to act sinful, so Hester feels overwhelming guilt.

What sin did Chillingworth commit?

Chillingworth himself, however, intentionally commits the sin of seeking revenge against his fellow man. In addition, Chillingworth hides his feelings of anger and hatred in order to plot his revenge, thereby committing the further sin of deceit. . . .

Does Dimmesdale want to confess?

Arthur Dimmesdale did not confess his sins for all the wrong reasons. He didn’t confess for mostly two reasons those being: his belief that man did not judge other men but only God can do that or that he will better serve his people with a sinful heart and not a sinful appearance.

What keeps Dimmesdale alive?

Dimmesdale’s sin was the only thing that was keeping his ill, sickened, and tired body alive. Hester is resembling his guilt, she is holding him up, she is the living proof of his sin that is keeping him alive. When she is saving him ‘from grovelling upon his face,’ she is stopping him from death.

Why does Dimmesdale keep his secret for so long?

Dimmesdale suggests that some men, however, keep their sins secret because if they confess, they will never again be able to do good for God. The men look out the window and see Hester and her child passing by.

Does Dimmesdale confess his sin?

Not only does Dimmesdale confess, but he must do so alone. Although Hester helps him to the scaffold where she was punished seven years before, she cannot help him make his peace with God.

What happened in chapter 23 of the scarlet letter?

Summary—Chapter 23: The Revelation of the Scarlet Letter Turning toward the scaffold, he calls to Hester and Pearl to join him. Deaf to Chillingworth’s attempt to stop him, Dimmesdale mounts the scaffold with Hester and Pearl. He declares that God has led him there. The minister and Hester then exchange words.

Who committed the greatest sin in the scarlet letter?

Roger Chillingworth

Did Dimmesdale have an A on his chest?

He discovers that Dimmesdale, out of the guilt and sadness he feels from what occurs with Hester, has carved a letter “A” on his chest. This act of self-mutilation is essentially his own way to “share” the pain of Hester’s humiliation.

Is this not better than what we dreamed of in the forest?

“Is not this better,” murmured he, “than what we dreamed of in the forest?” “Isn’t this better,” he murmured, “than what we dreamed of in the forest?” “I know not! I know not!” she hurriedly replied.

Who suffered the most in the scarlet letter?


What happened to Dimmesdale after confessing?

Dimmesdale believes that by finally confessing his secret, he has saved his soul: “Had either of these agonies been wanting, I had been lost for ever!” He dies at peace. How does Dimmesdale die? He dies in Hester’s arms, his soul finally clean. When Hester later dies, she is buried next to Dimmesdale.

How does Hester accept her sin?

Hester, for whom the scarlet A is a mark of humiliation, willingly accepts this humiliation in lieu of drawing suspicion upon her partner in sin. Thus, Hester’s salvation lies in “being true” as Hawthorne exhorts in one of the final chapters.

How does Dimmesdale show guilt?

His guilt was mentally torturing him and drove him to despair. The uncontrollable helpless feeling of despair brought Dimmesdale immense suffering to the point where he almost lost his mind. Dimmesdale, unlike Hester, had an undying guilt that would forever torture him until his death.

What sin did Dimmesdale commit?


Is Dimmesdale a good person?

Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale was a good man and couldn’t bear the burden cast on his own soul by no confessing his sins. It was also Dimmesdale’s kindness of heart and his thirst for righteousness which made it unbearable for him to see Hester suffer alone;hence, his determination to confess to vindicate himself.