What is a He-Man action figure worth?

What is a He-Man action figure worth?

What is a He-Man action figure worth?

The ultimate symbol of this era, a He-Man action figure in mint condition, sells for $1200.

Who made the original He-Man action figure?

Roger Sweet
Presenting three different versions of the figure to Mattel—including a soldier and a spaceman—the barbarian version of the character was chosen and developed into the character’s current form….

Art by Alex Ross
First appearance He-Man and the Power Sword (1981)
Created by Roger Sweet
Portrayed by Dolph Lundgren

What scale are He-Man toys?

My review marathon of Mattel’s He-Man and the Masters of the Universe line based on the Netflix series of the same name continues with a look at the standard He-Man from the 5.5 inch line. Yes, Mattel has divided this line up into two scales, 5.5 inch and 8.5 inch, which always seems like a strange move to me.

When did the first He-Man toy come out?

When Mattel introduced the brawny superhero He-Man in 1982, he was an instant hit. Four years later, at the peak of its popularity, sales of the sword-and-sorcery toy line soared to $400 million in the U.S.

Did you know that he-man had three gimmick figures?

This was highly true of successful toy lines like Transformers and Ghostbusters but He-Man was not without its gimmick figures either. Man-E-Faces was one of those figures. Kids would have the ability to switch between three faces. One was a human version, one a monster, and one a robot.

What is the most valuable He-Man action figure?

Top 5 Super Valuable He-Man Action Figures You Can Still Find. 1 1. Rotar. What makes this figure a bit easy to find is people do not associate it with the Masters of the Universe line of action figures. It does not 2 2. Ramman. 3 3. Grizzlor. 4 4. Man-E-Faces. 5 5. Zodac.

How many faces does man-E have?

The mini-comic that came with this figure gave details as to his origin and how he became the man with many faces, well three faces but I am sure that is still quite a bit compared to some people! Sadly most collectors have lost the orange ray gun that Man-E came with and that does bring the value down a good bit.

Is there a He-Man in Masters of the Universe action figure?

What makes this figure a bit easy to find is people do not associate it with the Masters of the Universe line of action figures. It does not have the typical look and feel of one of the He-Man figures so sometimes it sneaks by the radar a little bit.