What is GK in Normalizer transformation with example?

What is GK in Normalizer transformation with example?

What is GK in Normalizer transformation with example?

The normalizer transformation generates column ID (GCID) port for each multiple-occurring column. The GCID is an index for the instance of the multiple-occurring data. For example, If a column occurs 3 times in a source record, the normalizer returns a value of 1,2 or 3 in the generated column ID.

Why do we use Normalizer?

Normalization: Similarly, the goal of normalization is to change the values of numeric columns in the dataset to a common scale, without distorting differences in the ranges of values. For machine learning, every dataset does not require normalization. It is required only when features have different ranges.

How many default ports are in Normalizer transformation?

The pipeline Normalizer transformation represents multiple-occurring columns with one input port for each source column occurrence. The normalizer columns are to be created manually.

How do I add a port to Normalizer?

To add multiple occurring ports in Normalizer transformation, double-click on the Normalizer transformation, and click on Normalizer. Add the columns in the Normalizer tab. You need to add the single and multiple occurring ports in the Normalizer tab.

What is Normalizer in Iics?

Normalizer transformation is an active and connected transformation in Informatica Cloud(IICS). It transforms one incoming row that contains multiple-occurring data into multiple output rows, one row for each instance of multiple-occurring data. IICS Mapping with Normalizer Transformation.

What is Normalizer of a group?

Definition of normalizer 1 : one that normalizes. 2a : a subgroup consisting of those elements of a group for which the group operation with regard to a given element is commutative. b : the set of elements of a group for which the group operation with regard to every element of a given subgroup is commutative.

What is Normalizer transformation?

The Normalizer transformation is an active transformation that transforms one incoming row into multiple output rows. When the Normalizer transformation receives a row that contains multiple-occurring data, it returns a row for each instance of the multiple-occurring data.

What is level in Normalizer transformation?

Levels are used to define a hirerchy of the grouped column. for example there is two columns. Column_name and Column_value. without level difined if you give the occurs as 2, you will see the port like.

What is normalizer set?