What is the abbreviation for thyroid on a blood test?

What is the abbreviation for thyroid on a blood test?

What is the abbreviation for thyroid on a blood test?

A thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test is a common blood test used to evaluate how well the thyroid gland is working. The thyroid gland is located at the lower front of the neck. TSH is produced by the pituitary, a pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain.

What do the abbreviations on a blood test stand for?

Red blood cell values: RBC (red blood cell count): the number of red blood cells. HCT (hematocrit): the concentration of red blood cells in your blood (in other words, how much of your total blood is made up of red blood cells) MCV (mean corpuscular volume): the average size of your red blood cells.

What are the abbreviations on a comprehensive metabolic panel?

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): MedlinePlus Medical Test.

Which abbreviation is a lab test?

Appendix B: Some Common Abbreviations

Abbreviation Stands for More information
HCT Hematocrit A blood test measurement
HCV Hepatitis C virus A virus that causes one type of liver disease
HDL High density lipoprotein A type of cholesterol, also known as “good” cholesterol
HGB Hemoglobin A blood test measurement

What should your TSH level be?

TSH normal values are 0.5 to 5.0 mIU/L. Pregnancy, a history of thyroid cancer, history of pituitary gland disease, and older age are some situations when TSH is optimally maintained in different range as guided by an endocrinologist. FT4 normal values are 0.7 to 1.9ng/dL.

What is TSH level?

TSH stands for “thyroid stimulating hormone” and the test measures how much of this hormone is in your blood. TSH is produced by the pituitary gland in your brain. This gland tells your thyroid to make and release the thyroid hormones into your blood.

What are the symbols for blood tests?

What is HCT in blood test?

A hematocrit (he-MAT-uh-krit) test measures the proportion of red blood cells in your blood. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body. Having too few or too many red blood cells can be a sign of certain diseases. The hematocrit test, also known as a packed-cell volume (PCV) test, is a simple blood test.

What are the most common medical abbreviations?

Common Medical Abbreviations & Terms Center

  • ANED: Alive no evidence of disease.
  • ARF: Acute renal (kidney) failure.
  • cap: Capsule.
  • CPAP: Continuous positive airway pressure.
  • DJD: Degenerative joint disease.
  • DM: Diabetes mellitus.
  • HA: Headache.
  • IBD: Inflammatory bowel disease.

What are normal CBC levels?


Red blood cell count Male: 4.35-5.65 trillion cells/L* (4.35-5.65 million cells/mcL**) Female: 3.92-5.13 trillion cells/L (3.92-5.13 million cells/mcL)
Hematocrit Male: 38.3-48.6 percent Female: 35.5-44.9 percent
White blood cell count 3.4-9.6 billion cells/L (3,400 to 9,600 cells/mcL)

What are CBC CMP and TSH levels used for?

Related Articles. During a standard blood test, CBC, CMP and TSH levels are used to determine if a patient is suffering from any illnesses or diseases. These tests are routine, and they can help catch and start treatment for a number of diseases, including diabetes and thyroid disorders.

What is the full form of CBC Test?

CBC – Complete Blood Count (test red and white blood cells for overall health and to detect abnormalities) CR – Creatinine (part of kidney function test; measures waste in blood) Hct – Hematocrit (part of the standard CBC test; abnormals measurements can indicate disease) Hgb – Hemoglobin (measures your hemoglobin levels, used for anemia diagnosis)

Is fasting necessary for CBC and TSH test?

Fasting (for eight to 120 hours) is not necessary for TSH or CBC but is recommended for CMP. . This can be done at most clinics or hospitals. During a standard blood test, CBC, CMP and TSH levels are used to determine if a patient is suffering from any illnesses or diseases.

What does a CBC measure for white blood cells?

A CBC measures your overall number of white blood cells, but it also measures the breakdown of the different types of white blood cells that are present. This is called a white blood cell differential (also known as a “CBC with diff”) and includes the five main types of white blood cells: