What is the equation for the reaction of marble chips and hydrochloric acid?

What is the equation for the reaction of marble chips and hydrochloric acid?

What is the equation for the reaction of marble chips and hydrochloric acid?

i) Marble chips are made from calcium carbonate. Hydrochloric acid + calcium carbonate -> Calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxideii) The rate of reaction can be increased by increasing the concentration of Hydrochloric acid, which is the limiting factor in this equation.

What is the chemical reaction between marble and hydrochloric acid?

If marble (calcium carbonate) is put into hydrochloric acid, it dissolves. This produces carbon dioxide and calcium chloride. Carbon dioxide is released. The reaction mixture therefore becomes lighter.

Why does marble chips react with hydrochloric acid?

The calcium carbonate reacted with hydrochloric acid when the acid was poured into marble chips. Due to calcium carbonate’s higher reactivity, it displaced hydrogen in the hydrochloric acid. As a result, products of calcium chloride, carbon dioxide and water were formed.

What is the chemical equation of marble?

Answer: The chemical name of marble is calcium carbonate. It is an inorganic chemical compound with the chemical formula CaCO3.

What is the chemical reaction of marble?

Marble is chemically calcium carbonate i.e. CaCO3 . When dilute HCl is added to calcium carbonate, it forms calcium chloride, water and carbon dioxide.

What is the formula of marble?

Answer: The chemical name of marble is calcium carbonate. It is an inorganic chemical compound with the chemical formula CaCO3.

What is the equation for marble?

Answer. The chemical formula for marble is CaCO3. This chemical compound is known as calcium carbonate.

What is chemical formula for marble * CaO Ca OH 2 CaCO3 CaCl2?

Thus, chemical formula of marble is CaCO3.

What happens when hydrochloric acid reacts with marble chips?

Academic anxiety? Hypothesis: The higher the concentration of hydrochloric acid, the faster the reaction will take place because there will be more hydrochloric acid particles to collide with the marble chip particles therefore resulting in a quicker reaction.

Why do acids react faster on marble than other materials?

Therefore there is a greater chance of acid particles colliding, and reacting with more particles on the surface of the marble.” So, this means that the higher the concentration of my acid the faster the reaction.

What is the chemical composition of marbles?

Marble chips are mostly made up of Calcium carbonate, which is a alkaline compound. Being alkaline, it reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce Calcium chloride, water and Carbon dioxide. Calcium chloride is white, Water and Carbon dioxide are colourless.

Does the mass of marble chips affect the surface area?

If I was to use pieces, the surface area isn’t always the same so even though the mass of the marble chips is the same the surface area will differ, this would affect the results because the bigger the surface area the faster the reaction.