What is the most famous work of Diophantus?

What is the most famous work of Diophantus?

What is the most famous work of Diophantus?

Diophantus is known as the father of algebra. Roughly five centuries after Euclid’s era, he solved hundreds of algebraic equations in his great work Arithmetica, and was the first person to use algebraic notation and symbolism. Today we usually indicate the unknown quantity in algebraic equations with the letter x.

Who is Diophantus What is he famous for?

Diophantus, often known as the ‘father of algebra’, is best known for his Arithmetica, a work on the solution of algebraic equations and on the theory of numbers. However, essentially nothing is known of his life and there has been much debate regarding the date at which he lived.

Who is the father of algebra Diophantus?

Diophantus is often called “the father of algebra” because he contributed greatly to number theory, mathematical notation, and because Arithmetica contains the earliest known use of syncopated notation.

Who was Pappus and what contributions did he make to math?

Pappus of Alexandria , (flourished ad 320), the most important mathematical author writing in Greek during the later Roman Empire, known for his Synagoge (“Collection”), a voluminous account of the most important work done in ancient Greek mathematics.

Who is the father of quadratic equation?

One of his principal achievements in algebra was his demonstration of how to solve quadratic equations by completing the square, for which he provided geometric justifications….Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi.

Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī
Born c. 780
Died After 847 (aged c. 70)
Academic background
Academic work

Who is the real founder of algebra?

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi was a 9th-century Muslim mathematician and astronomer. He is known as the “father of algebra”, a word derived from the title of his book, Kitab al-Jabr.

Who is the true father of algebra?

al-Khwārizmī, in full Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, (born c. 780 —died c. 850), Muslim mathematician and astronomer whose major works introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and the concepts of algebra into European mathematics.

Who was Hypatia and what contributions did she make to math?

Hypatia became a brilliant public speaker and scholar, and she followed her father on the library’s faculty. There she wrote on mathematics and astronomy. She did work on algebraic equations and conic sections. She invented the astrolabe for ship navigation and devices for measuring the density of fluids.

What happened to Diophantus’s books?

Unfortunately, those books got perished over the centuries. Most of his work dealt with algebraic equations and their solution. It is believed that Diophantus may have been born between AD 201 and 215 in Alexandria, Egypt and died at the age of 84.

What did Diophantus contribute to mathematics?

Historians could not find much on Diophantus’ life but came to light about him was through Greek anthology numerical games, a creation of Metrodorus. Greek mathematics is inadequate without his contribution in the form of Airthmetica. A collection of algebraic problems with solutions to equations both determinate and indeterminate.

What did Diophantus say about square root solutions?

Diophantus was always satisfied with a rational solution and did not require a whole number which means he accepted fractions as solutions to his problems. Diophantus considered negative or irrational square root solutions “useless”, “meaningless”, and even “absurd”.

What are the solutions to Diophantus’ indeterminate equations?

The solutions to Diophantus’ indeterminate equations were always positive rational numbers. (Diophantus was interested only in single number solutions, so he did not, for example, seek two numbers as solutions to quadratic equations.)