What is the retirement age of a Supreme Court judge?

What is the retirement age of a Supreme Court judge?

What is the retirement age of a Supreme Court judge?

The Indian Constitution has fixed 65 as the retirement age for judges of the apex court. In the US, Supreme Court judges leave office only by death, or when they themselves, alone and individually, resign.

Who is the head of judiciary in Trinidad?

The Honourable the Chief Justice, Mr Justice Ivor Archie O.R.T.T., graduated from the University of the West Indies in 1980 with a Bachelor of Sciences Degree (Upper Second Class Honours) after pursuing the three year programme in Mechanical Engineering at the St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.

What are two types of law courts in the judicial system in Trinidad?

The Trinidad & Tobago Judiciary is made up of the Lower Judiciary (the Magistracy) and the Higher Judiciary (The Supreme Court). The Supreme Court is made up of the High Court and the Court of Appeal. The highest court is the Privy Council in England.

Who is Frank Seepersad?

High Court Judge Frank Seepersad has become one of the first judges to host an in-person civil trial since an almost two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Who is the DPP of Trinidad and Tobago?

Mr. Roger Gaspard
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is the Criminal Law Department of the Ministry of the Attorney General (AG). The current DPP is Mr. Roger Gaspard, S.C.

What is the head of the judiciary?

It has the power to adjudicate over legal matters and decide on legal disputes through courts. The Judiciary is created by the Constitution and is headed by the Chief Justice.

Who makes up the judiciary?

The judiciary is the branch of government which administers justice according to law. The term is used to refer broadly to the courts, the judges, magistrates, adjudicators and other support personnel who run the system. The courts apply the law, and settle disputes and punish law-breakers according to the law.

What is the salary of Supreme Court Judge?

Salary of a Supreme Court Judge The Supreme Court judges all receive a monthly salary of Rs 2.50 lakh. At the same time, Rs 34,000 per month is available as a hospitality allowance.

Who is Supreme Court Judge name?

Justice N. V. Ramana is the 48th Chief Justice of India. He was sworn in on 24 April 2021….List of judges ordered by seniority.

Name Hima Kohli
Date of Appointment 31 August 2021 (262 days)
Date of Retirement 1 September 2024 (−2 years, 104 days)
Term of Office 3 years, 2 days
Parent High Court Delhi

Who is the head of the Darrang district judiciary?

The District & Sessions Judge is the Head of the Darrang District Judiciary and acts as the Judge in-charge of the District Court Complex . He is the President of the District Consumer Forum and member of MACT.

What is the judiciary like in Trinidad and Tobago?

The Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago provides an accountable court system in which timeliness and efficiency are the hallmarks, while still protecting integrity, fairness, equality and accessibility and attracting public trust and confidence. What information do you need to file? Click SUBMIT!

Where is the magistrate’s court in Trinidad and Tobago?

Magistrates’ Court Useful Links Find a Court Access Keys Contact Us Sitemap Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Sitemap Copyright © 2020 The Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago. All Rights Reserved. Hall of Justice, Knox Street, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. (868) 62-TTLAW; (868) 623-6911

Are Family Court forms confidential in Trinidad and Tobago?

All forms are kept confidential. Youth Room Retrieval Form. The Family Court of Trinidad and Tobago is a unified Court with two jurisdictions, the High Court and Magisterial Court operating, in the same building.