Where did Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight?

Where did Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight?

Where did Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight?

house at the fair

Who fell in love first Romeo or Juliet?

Likewise, it is a true account to portray Juliet as falling in love with Romeo so quickly. Shakespeare also depicts Juliet as falling in love with Romeo at first sight based on looks, in the one simple Chorus line, “Alike bewitched by the charm of looks (Act 2, Prologue).

How did Romeo and Juliet fell in love?

Meeting Juliet and finding that she is amenable to his advances helps him to move on from Rosaline. On the other hand, Juliet loves Romeo because she feels pressure from her parents to marry. They have an instant attraction, and when a person is young and impressionable, this is sometimes all it takes to spark love.

What is Romeo’s reaction when he sees Juliet Is it love at first sight explain?

From the moment he sees Juliet, Romeo is totally infatuated. He says that her beauty is too good for this world. As soon as possible, Romeo makes his way to this captivating beauty and takes her by the hand. He offers his apologies if he offends her but says that his lips stand ready to make amends.

Where do Romeo and Juliet first kiss?

To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.

What does Juliet say to Romeo after they kiss?

They kiss, and Romeo expresses his happiness: “Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged” (1.5. 107), meaning that the kiss of his saint has cleansed him of sin. This gives Juliet an opportunity to tease him into another kiss. She says that if her lips have taken away his sin then her lips must now have his sin.

What does Romeo compare kissing to?

The metaphor of a shrine for the saint, Juliet, is extended when Romeo names his lips “two blushing pilgrims”. For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss.”

What is Romeo comparing Juliet to?

to what does Romeo compare Juliet? Romeo compares Juliet to light, to the sun, and to the stars. He is praising er beauty and his love for her. He says that Juliet’s eyes are the brightest stars in all tthe heaven and that they outhsine all the other starsi in the sky.

What does Romeo overhear Juliet saying before he speaks to her?

In the famous balcony scene of Act II, Scene 2, Romeo overhears Juliet express her love for him and her anxiety about who he is. On the balcony, Juliet sighs, “Aye, me!”, indicating that she has been pondering something that troubles her (2.2.

How does Romeo persuade Juliet to kiss him?

How does Romeo convince Juliet to kiss him? He talks to her in religious metaphors, describes her as a saint and he a pilgrim who needs his sin erased only she can do this. After their second kiss, Juliet is called by her nurse to go to her mother. Romeo asks who the mother is and the nurse responds Lady Capulet.

Who interrupts Romeo and Juliet when they kiss?

Romeo and Juliet continue their exchanges and they kiss, but are interrupted by The Nurse, who sends Juliet to find her mother. In her absence, Romeo asks the Nurse who Juliet is and on discovering that she is a Capulet, realizes the grave consequences of their love.

What does Romeo ask Juliet to do when he meets her?

Marry him Kiss him Run away Sing songs.

Why does Romeo reveal his presence to Juliet?

Why does he go there? He is hiding from Benvolio and Mercutio. He is hiding so that he may sneak away and find out where Juliet is.

What does tackled stair mean in Romeo and Juliet?

“Within this hour my man shall be with thee and bring thee chords made like a tackled stair…” man=Balthazar. Romeo makes plan to sneak into Juliet’s room after the marriage. When the nurse comes back.. Juliet is impatient and wants to know what Romeo said; the nurse aches.

Why did Friar Laurence marry Romeo and Juliet?

When Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to marry him and Juliet, Friar Lawrence agrees because he thinks their marriage might bring about the end of the feud between their two families. He states, “For this alliance may so happy prove / To turn your households’ rancor to pure love” (2.3. 91–92).