Why is getting into medical school so hard?

Why is getting into medical school so hard?

Why is getting into medical school so hard?

Medical school acceptance rates are extremely low. Each year the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) releases average GPA cum and GPA science and MCAT scores for applicants to medical school. Medical schools want the most academically competitive students. That is what makes admissions so difficult.

Is medicine hard to study?

Sometimes it’s hard work Studying medicine comes with a certain expectation to work harder on average than most other students. There are generally more contact hours than other subjects (this year I have a 9-5 day every Friday) with practicals and lectures taking up a great deal of time.

How many hours do medical students study per day?

Medical students study anywhere between 8-11 hours a day during their exam period, with most students hovering around the 3-5 hour mark on a normal day.

What to study if you want to be a doctor?

While a specific major is not required, all medical school applicants need to complete undergraduate coursework in biology, physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Students can gain healthcare experience while in school by volunteering in hospitals, clinics, or other healthcare environments.