How do I change the language switcher in Magento 2?

How do I change the language switcher in Magento 2?

How do I change the language switcher in Magento 2?

  1. First, connect to your SSH and navigate to your Magento store installation folder.
  2. Open the app\design\frontend\TemplateMonster\themeXXX\Magento_Theme\layout folder.
  3. Then open the default.
  4. Open the app\design\frontend\Zemez\themeXXX\Magento_Theme\web\css\source\_extend.less file find the next code:

How do I change the admin grid in Magento 2?

  1. Step 1: Create database schema. Database: We will use a simple database.
  2. Step 2: Create routes admin. File: app/code/Mageplaza/HelloWorld/etc/adminhtml/routes.xml.
  3. Step 3: Create admin menu.
  4. Step 4: Create Controller.
  5. Step 5: Method #1 – Create Admin Grid using Component.
  6. Step 6: Method #2 – Create Admin Grid using Layout.

How do I remove store view in Magento 2?

* Go to the Stores > All Stores section.

  1. Click on Store View you want to delete (e.g. Layout 2). Click to enlarge the image.
  2. Tap Delete Store View.
  3. Decide if you want to create the Backup.
  4. Press the Delete Store View button again.
  5. Reindex and clear the Magento cache.

How do I reset my Magento Admin password?

Solution 4: Reset Admin password in Magento 2 via Account Settings

  1. Go to Magento Admin panel.
  2. Click on the Account Settings in the drop-down list of the account.
  3. Type the new password.
  4. Confirm the new password by retyping.
  5. Enter the old password for identity check.
  6. Select Save Account.

How do I create a custom admin grid in Magento2 github?

Manually Installation => Download and unzip the respective extension zip and create Webkul(vendor) and Grid(module) name folder inside your magento/app/code/ directory and then move all module’s files into magento root directory Magento2/app/code/Webkul/Grid/ folder.

How do you create a tab and load grid in Magento 2 customer admin edit page?

Method to Create a Tab and Load Grid in Magento 2 Customer Admin Edit Page

  1. Create registration. php file at app\code\Vendor\Module and use the below code.
  2. Create Custom. php file at app/code/Vendor/Module/Block/Adminhtml/Edit/Tab directory.
  3. Create Custom.

How do I delete a Magento store?

Go to System->Store management , click on the name of the store view you want to remove and you should see a Delete button on the top right corner. That should delete your store view. There is an intermediary page that asks you if you want to back-ul the store before deleting it.