How do I change the size of the redo log in Oracle?

How do I change the size of the redo log in Oracle?

How do I change the size of the redo log in Oracle?

Here in this post, I will show you how to resize redo logs from 50MB to 1GB step by step.

  1. Check Current Redo Logs.
  2. Add 3 Groups with New Size (1GB)
  3. Switch Logfile to New Groups.
  4. Force a CheckPoint.
  5. Drop Group 1, 2, 3.
  6. Remove Redo Log Files.
  7. Add Group 1, 2, 3 with New Size (1GB)
  8. Switch Logfile Several Times.

How do I resize a redo log in standby database?

SQL> alter system set standby_file_management = manual; System altered. On the primary database, check the status of the Online Redo Logs and resize them by dropping the INACTIVE redo logs and re-creating them with the new size.

How do I change the redo size?

Use the following steps to update redo log size and files:

  1. Log in to the database node/VM (rp2vm2) as oracle user.
  2. Connect to sqlplus.
  3. Update redo log file size and increase groups using the steps captured below.
  4. Switch the log file to the newly added redo log groups and delete the old inactive groups.

How do I resize a redo log in Oracle 12c RAC?

Resize the redo log file in RAC Environment as follows:

  1. Check the size of redo log and how many redo log file present in each instance.
  2. Check the thread information if you needed which thread belong to which instance.
  3. Retrieve all the information of member and location.
  4. You want to increase the size of redo log files.

How many redo log groups should I have?

two redo log groups
It is not required that redo log groups be symmetrical, but Oracle recommends that your groups all have the same number of members. A database must have a minimum of two redo log groups.

How do I change the redo log location?

How to relocate the redo log files to a different location on…

  1. Shut down the database.
  2. Copy the online redo log files to the new location.
  3. Startup the database in mount mode, but do not open it.
  4. Rename the online redo log members.
  5. Open the database for normal operation.

How many redo log files does Oracle Database use?

Oracle Database uses only one redo log files at a time to store redo records written from the redo log buffer. The redo log file that LGWR is actively writing to is called the current redo log file. Redo log files that are required for instance recovery are called active redo log files.

How to resize redo logs?

Resize Redo Logs. 1 1. Check Current Redo Logs. SQL> column group# format 99999; SQL> column status format a10; SQL> column mb format 99999; SQL> select group#, status, 2 2. Add 3 Groups with New Size (1GB) 3 3. Switch Logfile to New Groups. 4 4. Force a CheckPoint. 5 5. Drop Group 1, 2, 3.

How do I drop a redo log member in Oracle-managed files?

When using Oracle-managed files, the cleanup of operating systems files is done automatically for you. To drop a redo log member, you must have the ALTER DATABASE system privilege.

Should I change the size of my redolog?

The DB in questions has around 800GB, redologs with 50MB in size, and does logswitches 3/4 times each minute (like mentioned earlier) and 1200 users. With these new values, do you all keep or change your opinion? I would recommend changing the redolog size to 1 or 2GB. 500MB is somewhat very smallish for a database that’s of ~800gb.