How do you analyze a spelling test?

How do you analyze a spelling test?

How do you analyze a spelling test?

Here are the super simple steps to ANALYZING SPELLING ERRORS:

  1. Write the correctly spelled word / actual word in the first column.
  2. After giving the spelling test, write the student’s response into the second column.
  3. Look closely. What errors do you see the student make?

What is a spelling error analysis?

Spelling error analysis provides a window of information about young children’s phonological, orthographic, and morphological knowledge and fosters a better understanding about learning disabilities.

What are common spelling patterns?

Spelling patterns include groups of letters, for example, ought and igh, as well as digraphs, that is two or more letters that represent one speech sound, for example oi (vowel digraph) and ch (consonant digraph).

What do spelling tests measure?

A spelling assessment or a spelling level test is a method for determining an individual’s level of understanding of conventional spelling patterns and rules. The assessments often focus on but don’t limit to — phonological, orthographic, morphological, and etymological knowledge.

How do you score a spelling inventory?

Scoring: Check off or highlight the features for each word which are spelled according to the descriptors at the top. Assign 1 point for each feature (some words are scored for some features and not others). Add an additional point in the “Word Correct” column for entire words that are spelled correctly.

How do you describe spelling errors?

Spelling errors are when a learner consistently makes the same misspellings over and over again, because they do not know what is correct. Spelling mistakes, on the other hand, are when a learner only occasionally misspells a word which they most of the time spell correctly (Ellis, 1997, p.

What are the most common types of spelling errors?


  • Spelling of another Word.
  • Variable Spellings of the Same Word Ending.
  • Words that Break Spelling Rules.
  • Double Consonants in Long Words.
  • Immediately-Repeated Syllable Spellings.
  • Unusual Letter Sequences.
  • Spellings in another Language.
  • Words with a Difficult Pronunciation.