What happened in chapter 11 of Esperanza Rising?

What happened in chapter 11 of Esperanza Rising?

What happened in chapter 11 of Esperanza Rising?

Esperanza realizes that she needs more elastics to bundle the asparagus. She goes out to the dock behind the shed to retrieve them. Huddled in between a “maze of tall crates,” she finds Marta, who begs Esperanza not to tell anyone she’s there—she has to take care of her mother, and cannot be caught.

Who was hurt during the fire in Esperanza Rising?

Chapter 3: Los Higos (Figs) Their house is on fire. They struggle to leave while Miguel runs inside the house for Abuelita. Abuelita is injured and cannot walk, but she still holds her bag of crocheting. Esperanza, Mama, Abuelita, Hortensia, Miguel, and Alfonso watch as the fire destroys the house.

How did Mama get sick in Esperanza Rising?

The doctor says that Mama has Valley Fever, a disease of the lungs caused by dust spores. If Mama survives, it might be six months before she’s well again. That really freaks out Esperanza. She’s already lost Papa, and Abuelita is still so far away—she doesn’t know what she’d do if she lost Mama.

What did Esperanza discover hiding in the corner?

When Esperanza goes to get more rubber bands, she’s surprised to find Marta hiding in a corner. This is Esperanza’s chance to get rid of Marta for good.

How does Tio Luis threaten Mama?

Way. Tío Luis threatens Mama, reminding her that the house and the grapes are on his land, and that he can make life very difficult for her.

What did Abuelita save from the fire?

Even in the face of death and destruction, Abuelita saves her crocheting from the fire—in spite of at all, her craft is a symbol of perseverance in the face of difficulty or even defeat.

What was Alfonso and Miguel’s secret?

What was Alfonso and Miguel’s secret? They had brought cuttings from the rose plants in Mexico to California as a surprise for Esperanza and her mother.

What frightening thing did Esperanza hear?

Q. What frightening thing did Esperanza hear? Esperanza heard the doctor say, “She’s a fighter,” when he was talking about mama. Esperanza heard the doctor say, “Not much time left,” when he was talking about mama.

How did the growers stop the strikers?

The growers had immigration come in and arrest all the strikers and deport them back to Mexico. By kidnapping their children and holding them for ransom. By using one of the flashy thingamajiggers from The movie “Men in Black” to make them forget that they were striking.

What is Tio Luis last name?

Tío Luis and Tío Marco are the big, bad wolves of this story. Well, according to Esperanza, they look more “like two underfed billy goats” (2.57).