What is EO Brody Company of Cleveland Ohio?

What is EO Brody Company of Cleveland Ohio?

What is EO Brody Company of Cleveland Ohio?

The E.O. Brody Company was founded in 1958 in Cleveland, Ohio, by Ernest Oscar Brody. Mr Brody was known as EO in the florists’ trade. His innovative idea was to sell utility glass floral containers exclusively to florists and to market them through wholesale florists who in turn would sell to retail florists.

Is Hoosier glass valuable?

A: Hoosier is commercial glass and not highly collectible. Much is used by florists, to hold cut flowers for sale. I suspect that’s the original purpose for the vase seen in a sketch. Most pieces sell at under $10.

What is Vintage Indiana glass?

The Indiana Glass Company of Dunkirk can trace its roots to the founding of the Beatty-Brady Glass Company in 1897. For more than a century, the glass company based in this small Indiana town manufactured everything from iridescent carnival glass to Depression-style tumblers, goblets, and plates.

What is Indiana Hoosier?

Anyone born in Indiana or a resident at the time is considered to be a Hoosier. Indiana adopted the nickname “The Hoosier State” more than 150 years ago. “Hoosier” is used in the names of numerous Indiana-based businesses and organizations.

What is milk glass worth?

$10 to $30 per piece
Most milk glass you find in antique stores, garage sales, and online will sell in the range of $10 to $30 per piece. However, some items sell for far more, and there are several factors that can affect the price of milk glass.

Is all green glass uranium?

Some transparent yellow or yellow-green glass has been colored using additives other than uranium (e.g., cerium oxide), and it can look exactly like Vaseline glass. To confuse matters somewhat, this non-Vaseline glass might even be radioactive due to the presence of thorium impurities!

What is antique green glass called?

Jade-ite or Jadite This type of opaque green glass made beginning in the 1940s by companies such as Anchor Hocking, Jeannette, and McKee. The trade name Jade-ite was used by Anchor Hocking for this type of glass which simulates the light jade gemstone. The majority of those pieces were branded as Fire-King wares.