What is Ngaben ceremony?

What is Ngaben ceremony?

What is Ngaben ceremony?

Ngaben, also known as Pitra Yadyna, Pelebon or cremation ceremony, is the Hindu funeral ritual of Bali, Indonesia. A Ngaben is performed to release the soul of a dead person so that it can enter the upper realm where it can wait for it to be reborn or become liberated from the cycles of rebirths.

What should be prepared to held this ceremony Ngaben?

In Hindu, ngaben means to separate the soul from the body, which is done in this ritual through cremation. Before the main ceremony begins, family members of the deceased prepare a wooden ox that is used to hold the bodies that are eventually burnt.

Why is ngaben important?

The ngaben ceremony enables the soul to be free from the shackles of the body and ushers the soul to the next life. After cremation, the soul could be given another physical body and continue the life cycle, or achieve moksha, a final rest in heaven.

How does Ngaben procession conducted in the cremation area?

Once the procession reaches the place of the cremation, a priest will light the fire to burn the Lembu and the Waddhu. Often mourners will take this time to reflect in peace and watch the cremation. Afterwards they will share food and drink. The ashes from the cremation will be scattered in the sea.

What is the shape of the coffin in Upacara Ngaben?

Hundred to thousand people including family members, friends, neighbors, and even random people on the street – gathered together. The coffin used in the Ngaben ritual is in the form of a cow.

How much is a cremation in Bali?

The cost of having burial or cremation in Bali is about USD $ 2,000.00 to $3,000.00.

What happens to the coffin in Upacara Ngaben?

After the coffin has been laid down on the special pavilion under white sheet roof, a family member will open it through the back part using a special sacred dagger. Deceased bodies or bones will be placed inside the lembu (new casket) together with some clothes, offerings and accessories.