What phylum is Saprolegnia?

What phylum is Saprolegnia?

What phylum is Saprolegnia?

HeterokontSaprolegnia / PhylumHeterokonts are a group of protists. The group is a major line of eukaryotes. Most are algae, ranging from the giant multicellular kelp to the unicellular diatoms, which are a primary component of plankton. Wikipedia

What kingdom is Saprolegnia in?

ChromistaSaprolegnia / KingdomChromista is a biological kingdom consisting of single-celled and multicellular eukaryotic species that share similar features in their photosynthetic organelles. It includes all protists whose plastids contain chlorophyll c, such as some algae, diatoms, oomycetes, and protozoans. Wikipedia

Is Saprolegnia unicellular or multicellular?

5: Saprolegnia life cycle. This life cycle is diplontic; the “multicellular” stage is the diploid thallus, though the filaments are coenocytic.

Is Saprolegnia a parasite?

Most species from the oomycete genus Saprolegnia are opportunistic parasites (Plumb, 1999) that cause the disease saprolegniasis in various fish species (van West, 2006), amphibians (Blaustein et al., 1994), crustaceans (Diéguez-Uribeondo et al., 1994), and other aquatic animals (Fernandez-Beneitez et al., 2011).

What organism is saprolegnia parasitic on?

Saprolegniasis, a disease affecting fish eggs and juvenile fish in hatcheries worldwide, is caused by the pathogenic oomycete Saprolegnia parasitica. This disease presents as greyish-white patches of filamentous mycelium on the body or fins of fish and is associated with tissue damage leading to death of the animal.

What supergroup is Saprolegnia in?

Saprolegnia is a genus of water moulds often called cotton moulds because of the characteristic white or grey fibrous patches they form. Current taxonomy puts Saprolegnia as a genus of the heterokonts in the order Saprolegniales.

What organism is Saprolegnia parasitic on?

What supergroup is saprolegnia in?

Do saprolegnia have flagella?

Each zoospore has two flagella, which are of different types. Flagella are long and thin extensions that are often found on motile cells. As flagella move, they propel a cell through a liquid. One of Saprolegnia’s two flagella is known as a whiplash flagellum and the other as a tinsel flagellum.

Is Saprolegnia a protist?

Saprolegnia is a genus of water moulds often called cotton moulds because of the characteristic white or grey fibrous patches they form. Current taxonomy puts Saprolegnia as a genus of the heterokonts in the order Saprolegniales….

Family: Saprolegniaceae
Genus: Saprolegnia

Is Saprolegnia a fungus?

Saprolegnia (also known as water mold, oomycete infection, or winter kill), is an opportunistic fungal pathogen in freshwater aquariums. It usually appears as a fuzzy patch on your fish’s skin.