What was the significance of Wabash vs Illinois?

What was the significance of Wabash vs Illinois?

What was the significance of Wabash vs Illinois?

Illinois, 118 U.S. 557 (1886), also known as the Wabash Case, was a Supreme Court decision that severely limited the rights of states to control or impede interstate commerce. It led to the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission.

Why was the Illinois law in Wabash declared unconstitutional?

If Illinois applied regulations only to trains traveling within state borders, the law would be constitutional. However, in Wabash the Illinois Supreme Court had also applied the law to commerce between states. The Court overturned the Illinois law on the grounds that it violated the commerce clause.

What did the Wabash case do?

The result of the case was denial of state power to regulate interstate rates for railroads, and the decision led to creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission.

Why was the Supreme Court decision in the Wabash?

With Wabash, the Court overturned its 1879 decision (Munn v. Illinois) allowing states to regulate railroads. Perverting the original intent of the Fourteenth Amendment, the Court decreed that corporations were legally “persons” entitled to the Amendment’s protections.

What was the Wabash case Apush?

A Supreme Court decision that prohibited states from regulating the railroads because the Constitution grants Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce.

What was the Supreme Court decision in Wabash V Illinois 1886 quizlet?

This 1886 case overturned the earlier Munn vs. Illinois case. In this case, the Supreme Court severely limited the right of states to regulate businesses that dealt with interstate commerce.

How did the Wabash case impact interstate commerce?

In the 1886 Wabash case, the Supreme Court struck down an Illinois law outlawing long-and-short haul discrimination. Nevertheless, an important result of Wabash was that the Court clearly established the exclusive power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce.

What was the effect of the Wabash case quizlet?

This 1886 case overturned the earlier Munn vs. Illinois case. In this case, the Supreme Court severely limited the right of states to regulate businesses that dealt with interstate commerce. This meant only the federal government had a power that had been granted to the states.

What was Wabash V Illinois quizlet?

a.k.a. Wabash v. Illinois (1886). Supreme Court ruling that stated that states do not have the power to regulate interstate commerce, only the federal government could do that.

What was Munn vs Illinois Apush?

1877; The Supreme Court upheld the Granger laws. The Munn case allowed states to regulate certain businesses within their borders, including railroads, and is commonly regarded as a milestone in the growth of federal government regulation.

How was the Wabash case different from the earlier case Munn v Illinois?

What was the Wabash case quizlet?