Who counters Malzahar top?

Who counters Malzahar top?

Who counters Malzahar top?

The Best Malzahar Counter Picks in League of Legends for patch 12.8, Ranked Boost recommends these picks due to their win condition and abilities.

  • Swain. The Master Tactician.
  • E. Taliyah. The Stoneweaver.
  • Karthus. The Deathsinger.

Is Malzahar a Yasuo counter?

Malzahar Middle vs Yasuo Middle Build & Runes Malzahar wins against Yasuo 58.70% of the time which is 9.13% higher against Yasuo than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Malzahar wins against Yasuo 10.12% more often than would be expected.

Does Viktor counter Malzahar?

Viktor wins against Malzahar 52.85% of the time which is 4.61% higher against Malzahar than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Viktor wins against Malzahar 3.64% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Viktor build & runes against Malzahar.

Why does Malzahar counter sylas?

Since Malzahar is an ultimate focused champion, Sylas just feels extremely annoying to play against and especially for your team as well when he steals your ult.

Does Kayle counter Malzahar?

Kayle wins against Malzahar 55.37% of the time which is 6.78% higher against Malzahar than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Kayle wins against Malzahar 4.2% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Kayle build & runes against Malzahar.

What goes well with Malzahar?

Now let’s look at the top 5 best champions to pair with Malzahar as support….

  • Ashe. For Malzahar to use his ultimate on the enemy champion, he must get close, so the enemy is reached by his Ult’s range.
  • Ezreal.
  • Miss Fortune.
  • Jhin.
  • Ziggs.

Is Malzahar strong?

Malzahar Has One of the Best Ultimates in LoL This ability is obnoxiously powerful and can outplay most of the champions in the game.

What should I build against Malzahar?

Either pick xerath or velkoz. (due to their long range vs malzahar). Pick champs that can poke easily and negate his passive.

What can remove Malzahar ULT?

Yes, you can use quicksilver sash to remove malz ult. Malz ult, Urgot ults, and Warwick ults can be removed by using QSS but not Galio ult, Amumu ult, or sona ult.