How long does it take to walk up and down Ingleborough?

How long does it take to walk up and down Ingleborough?

How long does it take to walk up and down Ingleborough?

Ingleborough Circular walk from the Hill Inn

Parking: Roadside parking on the B6255 Ingleton to Hawes road near the Old Hill Inn (grid reference SD 744 777).
Estimated walk time: 2 hours 40 minutes
Height climbed: 470 metres
Grade: 2-C: A medium length walk that has rugged terrain and some steep climbs

Where can I park to walk up Ingleborough?

Ingleborough walk from Ingleton

Parking: Limited roadside parking on the B6255 Ingleton to Hawes road (grid reference SD 701 732). Otherwise park in the tourist information car park in the centre of Ingleton and follow the Hawes road for about 600 yards around to the start.
Nearest town: Walk starts in Ingleton

Which is the easiest route up Ingleborough?

The Walk. I believe that the climb of Ingleborough from Clapham via Trow Gill and Gaping Gill is by far the best way up the mountain. The descent through the limestone pavements turns this walk in a classic. There are two other popular routes up Ingleborough from Ingleton and Ribblehead.

Is Ingleborough a hard walk?

Difficulty level: Moderate to tough. Remember Ingleborough (723m/2,372ft) is a mountain and should be treated with respect. What can be a sunny day at the bottom can turn into heavy mist or snow at the summit.

Is Ingleborough a hill or mountain?

Ingleborough (723 m or 2,372 ft) is the second-highest mountain in the Yorkshire Dales, England.

Is Ingleborough suitable for dogs?

Is Ingleborough dog-friendly? You can take you dog on the hike up Ingleborough if taking the approach from Ingleton. Remember to observe signs which may request you keep your dog on a lead to protect livestock and wildlife. There are also steep drops from the summit, so it is best to keep dogs on a lead at the top.

Is Ingleborough harder than Pen y Ghent?

The Yorkshire Three Peaks route is 24 miles long and includes an upwards ascent of 1585m. Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough are the three peaks and the challenge is to complete the race in under 12 hours. Ingleborough is considered the toughest of the three.

How far is it from the top of Ingleborough to Horton-in-Ribblesdale?

9.3 miles
An out and back walk from Horton in Ribblesdale, following the Yorkshire Three Peaks route up and down to Ingleborough summit….

Parking: Public car park in the centre of Horton-in-Ribblesdale (grid reference SD 807 725).
Walk distance: 9.3 miles (14.9 Km)
Estimated walk time: 4 hours

Which is the easiest Yorkshire 3 peak?

Pen Y Ghent is one of the three Yorkshire Peaks. Of the three famous hills, it is the easiest to hike and so is a popular choice for day rambles.

Why is Ingleborough flat?

The distinctive shape of Ingleborough is due to the local geology, a broad cap of millstone grit atop a broader plateau of carboniferous limestone.