How will you merge the number in the doubly linked list?

How will you merge the number in the doubly linked list?

How will you merge the number in the doubly linked list?

Approach and Algorithm

  • Find the middle node.
  • Split the list around the middle node.
  • Recursively call mergeSort on both sub-lists.
  • Merge both sorted sub-lists.

Is it possible to sort a doubly linked list?

Below is a simple insertion sort algorithm for doubly-linked lists. 1) Create an empty sorted (or result) doubly linked list. 2) Traverse the given doubly linked list, do the following for every node. a) Insert current node in a sorted way in the sorted(or result) doubly linked list.

Can we merge two doubly linked list?

You have two doubly linked list and both are sorted and your requirement is to create a function that takes in those two lists to merge and sort them by ID in increasing order. Since both the doubly linked list is already sorted, you don’t need to first merge them and then sort but you can merge them in sorted order.

Can merge sort be used on linked list?

Merge sort is one of the most famous divide-and-conquer sorting algorithms. This algorithm can be used to sort values in any traversable data structure (i.e., a linked list).

How do I merge two linked lists?

(1) Create a new head pointer to an empty linked list. (2) Check the first value of both linked lists. (3) Whichever node from L1 or L2 is smaller, append it to the new list and move the pointer to the next node. (4) Continue this process until you reach the end of a linked list.

How do you sort nodes in doubly linked list?


  1. Define a node current which will point to head.
  2. Define another node index which will point to node next to current.
  3. Compare data of current and index node.
  4. Current will point to current.
  5. Continue this process till the entire list is sorted.

Which sorting algorithm is best for sorting a linked list?

Merge sort is often preferred for sorting a linked list. The slow random-access performance of a linked list makes some other algorithms (such as quicksort) perform poorly, and others (such as heapsort) completely impossible.

How do you sort elements of a doubly linked list?

Why is merge sort better for linked lists?

It turns out that Mergesort works even better on linked lists than it does on arrays. It avoids the need for the auxiliary space, and becomes a simple, reliably O(N log N) sorting algorithm. And as an added bonus, it’s stable too.

What is the difference between merge sort and doubly linked list?

Now we know that merge sort is a sorting technique that works on the principle of Divide and Conquer, and a Doubly Linked List is a linked list that contains the address of both its next and previous pointers. Let us now see how we can sort a doubly-linked list using merge sort.

How do I sort a doublylinkedlist?

Sorting a DoublyLinkedList is different from sorting an Array as you can not make index based references to any arbitrary item in the List. Instead you need to remember the items during each recursive step and then pass them on to the merge function. For each recursion step you only need to remember the first item of each list half.

How to implement merge sort for arrays?

# 1. Allocates node # 2. Put the data in it # 3. Make next of new node as head and Thanks to Goku for providing above implementation in a comment here. Time Complexity: Time complexity of the above implementation is same as time complexity of MergeSort for arrays.

What is doublylinkedlist?

Also DoublyLinkedList is a container that stores the first ListElement of the list. Update: I have answered a similar question about Quicksort using the same data structures, however in comparison to this Mergesort implementation it runs much slower. Here are some updated timings for reference: