Is erythromycin a topical antibiotic?

Is erythromycin a topical antibiotic?

Is erythromycin a topical antibiotic?

What is erythromycin topical? Erythromycin is an antibiotic that fights bacteria. Erythromycin topical (for the skin) is used to treat acne vulgaris in adults.

What skin infections does erythromycin treat?

Erythromycin is prescribed by dermatologists for a variety of skin conditions including:

  • Acne.
  • Rosacea.
  • Erythrasma.
  • Pityriasis lichenoides.
  • Infections such as impetigo or boils.

How quickly does topical erythromycin work?

It can take 8 to 12 weeks of treatment to see the full effects of this medicine. Do not wash your face more than 2 to 3 times a day. Frequent washing can make your skin very dry, scale or peel. Let your doctor or health care professional know if this happens.

How does erythromycin ointment work?

Erythromycin works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication treats only bacterial eye infections. It will not work for other types of eye infections. Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness.

Can erythromycin make your skin worse?

It may cause your skin to become too dry or irritated. Also, you should avoid washing the acne-affected areas too often. This may dry your skin and make your acne worse.

What is erythromycin topical gel used for?

Erythromycin topical preparations are used on the skin to help control acne. They may be used alone or with one or more other medicines that are applied to the skin or taken by mouth for acne. They may also be used for other problems, such as skin infections, as determined by your doctor.

Do you wash off erythromycin?

It may cause your skin to become too dry or irritated. Also, you should avoid washing the acne-affected areas too often. This may dry your skin and make your acne worse. Washing with a mild, bland soap 2 or 3 times a day should be enough, unless you have oily skin.

How many times a day should I use erythromycin ointment?

For ophthalmic ointment dosage form: For treatment of eye infections: Adults and children—Use in the eyes up to six times a day as directed by your doctor.

What are the side effects of erythromycin eye ointment?

Common side effects of Ilotycin (erythromycin) Ointment include:

  • minor eye irritations,
  • stinging,
  • burning,
  • redness,
  • temporary blurred vision, and.
  • hypersensitivity reactions.