What has Loftus research demonstrated?

What has Loftus research demonstrated?

What has Loftus research demonstrated?

Loftus’s research has demonstrated that reconstructive memory is a result of your use of new and existing information to fill in the gaps in your recall of an experience. She maintains that your memories are not stable, as we commonly believe, but that they are malleable and changeable over time.

What is the Loftus theory?

LOFTUS: When you feed people misinformation about some experience that they may have had, you can distort or contaminate or change their memory.

What studies demonstrated the leading questions in memory?

Loftus and Palmer demonstrated that a leading question encouraged them to not only remember the cars were going faster, but to also falsely remember that they saw broken glass.

How does leading questions affect eyewitness testimony?

Questioning Techniques. Intentionally or accidentally, leading questions can impact on the testimonies provided by eyewitnesses in trials, influence referendum outcomes and affect the accuracy of survey results. Beyond the phrasing of questions, a number of other factors can also affect the answers given to questions.

What research method did Loftus and Palmer use?

Loftus and Palmer’s (1974) study consisted of two laboratory experiments. Both experiments used an independent measures design, with the participant’s only taking part in a single condition. Independent variable: verb used in the critical question: “About how fast were the cars going when they ‘verb’ into each other?”

How does Elizabeth Loftus believe memory works?

Rather than studying memory loss, Loftus focuses on false memories. These are memories our minds have altered from what actually occurred and memories our minds have created about events that never occurred at all.

What was the leading question in Loftus and Palmer?

After each video clip participants were given a questionnaire which asked them to describe the accident and then answer specific questions about the accident, including the one critical question: “About how fast were the cars going when they smashed each other?”

What does Elizabeth Loftus in her TED talk have to tell us about false memories?

Talk details More precisely, she studies false memories, when people either remember things that didn’t happen or remember them differently from the way they really were. It’s more common than you might think, and Loftus shares some startling stories and statistics — and raises some important ethical questions.

What were the main findings of Loftus and Palmer in their study of eyewitness memory?

Findings: The estimated speed was affected by the verb used. The verb implied information about the speed, which systematically affected the participants’ memory of the accident. Participants who were asked the “smashed” question thought the cars were going faster than those who were asked the “hit” question.

What is a leading question in psychology?

A leading question, also known as a “suggestive interrogation,” is one that suggests (or leads to) the desired answer. Most of the time these are questions which have only yes or no as correct answers.

What is a leading question example?

A leading question suggests a particular answer that the questioner desires – most often a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. ∎ “Were you in Los Angeles last week?” ∎ You were in Los Angeles last week, weren’t you? ∎ You didn’t see the stop sign, did you?

Is Loftus and Palmer’s research valid?

However, Loftus and Palmer’s research took place in a laboratory of Washington University and was therefore highly controlled. This high degree of control reduces the chance of extraneous variable, increasing the validity of the results.

What is a leading question in research?

Leading question is a type of question that pushes respondents to answer in a specific manner, based on the way they are framed. Learn about leading question definition, characteristics, types, examples and how to avoid leading questions in a survey.

What was Loftus and Palmer’s experiment with 150 American students?

In a second experiment, Loftus and Palmer used a different sample of 150 American students, who were divided into three even groups. All the students watch a one-minute video depicting a car accident and were then given a questionnaire to complete. One group was asked: “How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?”

What is Loftus and Palmer theory?

Loftus and Palmer. Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has been particularly concerned with how subsequent information can affect an eyewitness’s account of an event. Her main focus has been on the influence of (mis)leading information in terms of both visual imagery and wording of questions in relation to eyewitness testimony.