What is JitPack?

What is JitPack?

What is JitPack?

JitPack is a novel package repository for JVM and Android projects. It builds Git projects on demand and provides you with ready-to-use artifacts (jar, aar). If you want your library to be available to the world, there is no need to go through project build and upload steps.

How do you deploy to JitPack?


  1. Create an Android project and add a library module, here my library module name is mylibrary.
  2. Add the android-maven plugin in your project/build.gradle.
  3. In your library/build.gradle add maven plugin and group setting.
  4. Upload this project to your github.
  5. Create a release tag.
  6. Open JitPack and lookup your repository.

How do you add a JitPack to Kotlin?


  1. Maven. Add the following repository to your pom.xml : jitpack.io https://jitpack.io
  2. Gradle.
  3. Manual.
  4. Import a single extension.
  5. Import all extensions of a package.
  6. Arrays.
  7. Bytes.
  8. Collections.

How do you add the JitPack repository to your root build gradle?

Apply the two following steps to add a Git project into your project build: First, add a reference to the JitPack repository to your root build. gradle file. And that’s it!

What is Gradle build tool?

It is popular for its ability to build automation in languages like Java, Scala, Android, C/C++, and Groovy. The tool supports groovy based Domain Specific Language over XML. Gradle provides building, testing, and deploying software on several platforms. The tool is popular for building any software and large projects.

How do I publish my Android library to GitHub?

Part 1 — Publish Android library to GitHub Packages

  1. Step 1 : Generate a Personal Access Token for GitHub. Inside you GitHub account:
  2. Step 2: Store your GitHub — Personal Access Token details.
  3. Step 3 : Update build.gradle inside the library module.
  4. Step 4 : Publish the Android Library onto GitHub Packages.

What is the use of JitPack in Android?

JitPack is a unique package repository for Java Virtual Machine and Android projects. It builds Git projects on demand and offers ready-to-use artifacts (jar, aar). If you want your library to be available to the world, there is no need to go through project build and upload steps.

What is an Android library?

An Android library is structurally the same as an Android app module. It can include everything needed to build an app, including source code, resource files, and an Android manifest.

How do I distribute my Android library?

How to publish and distribute your Android library

  1. An example of a library module.
  2. Create a Bintray account.
  3. Choose Maven as repository.
  4. Add a new package to the Maven repository.
  5. Add basic information of the library.

What is Gradle vs Maven?

Gradle is based on developing domain-specific language projects. Maven is based on developing pure Java language-based software. It uses a Groovy-based Domain-specific language(DSL) for creating project structure. It uses Extensible Markup Language(XML) for creating project structure.