What is Kamillosan used for?

What is Kamillosan used for?

What is Kamillosan used for?

Kamillosan M Spray is the number 1-selling and doctor-prescribed sore throat spray (based on IQVIA MAT 2018). It contains 8 active ingredients known to soothe and relieve sore throat. Its main natural ingredient, German chamomile, is an herb that acts as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce pain, swelling, and redness.

Can I use Kamillosan everyday?

Its recommended dosage are 2 puffs for 3 times a day after every meal. At the get go, I felt the minty sensation that reliefs and alleviates sore throat pain instantaneously. It eases the difficulty of talking and swallowing food.

Is Kamillosan good for mouth sores?

Kamillosan can also be used for mouth sores or ulcers (singaw), gingivitis (gum disease/inflammation), symptoms following dental extraction and during eruption of permanent teeth, and gum inflammation from using false teeth.

Can I use Kamillosan for itchy throat?

They help soothe throat inflammation. Lozenges, just like throat sprays, may be formulated with natural or medicated ingredients. Either way, these help relieve throat itchiness and hoarseness of voice. Antiseptic gargles like Hexetidine rid the mouth and throat of bacteria and fungi by killing them.

Can you swallow Kamillosan?

Swish the Kamillosan mix around mouth and spit out. 3. Rinse with another mouthful, but swallow all subsequent mouthfuls to coat your throat. 4.

What can I use for itchy throat?

These remedies, some of which are available to buy online, include the following:

  • a spoonful of honey to coat the throat.
  • salt water gargles.
  • lozenges and cough drops.
  • nasal spray.
  • hot tea with lemon and honey.

How do you use Kamillosan anti inflammatory spray?

Apply 2 puffs 3 times daily to the affected region of the buccal and pharyngeal cavity with the spraying head correspond to a fully effective single dose. Do not spray directly into the nose. Store at temperatures not exceeding 30°C.

How do you administer Kamillosan?

How many times should I use Kamillosan?

Apply 2 puffs 3 times daily to the affected region of the buccal and pharyngeal cavity with the spraying head correspond to a fully effective single dose. Do not spray directly into the nose.

How often can you use Kamillosan?

Use 3-4 times a day. Mix 5ml of Kamillosan with 4oz of water. 1. Rinse out mouth well with an oral rinse like Biotene Mouthrinse.

Is Bactidol good for itchy throat?

For Sore Throat: Soothe and give temporary relief of minor sore throat. For General Oral Hygiene: Marked beneficial effects on color and tone of mouth tissues and helps maintain healthy gums. For Tooth Decay: Provides continuing protective action on tooth surfaces and kills bacteria that form decay acids.

What is propolis good for skin?

Benefits of Propolis for Skin According to a comprehensive review, propolis and its extracts have many uses in treating various concerns due to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Below are a few ways it’s thought to benefit the skin.

Is kamillosan cream good for Nappy rashes?

According to ancient believes, Chamomile is said to contain soothing properties. Kamillosan Cream is generally handy in treating nappy rashes, chapped hands and sore nipples. Kamillosan Cream is used for treating nappy rashes, sore nipples after breastfeeding as well as chapped hands.

Is kamillosan cream chamomile?

Kamillosan(R) cream contains chamomile extract as active principle manufactured from the chamomile sort Manzana which is rich in active principles and has been proved not to exhibit a chamomile-related allergen potential. For this reason Kamillosan(R) cream is suited for local therapy of atopic eczema.

Is propolis available in pure form?

Propolis is rarely available in its pure form. It’s usually obtained from beehives. People commonly use propolis for diabetes, cold sores, and swelling and sores inside the mouth. It’s also used for burns, canker sores, genital herpes, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.