Which early American civilization depended on Chinampas?

Which early American civilization depended on Chinampas?

Which early American civilization depended on Chinampas?

The Mexica had an agricultural economy, with cacao beans sometimes used as currency. They practiced chinampa agriculture, where farmers cultivated crops in rectangular plots of land on lake beds.

What was indentured servitude AP world?

Indentured servitude was a labor system in which people paid for their passage to the New World by working for an employer for a fixed term of years. This also happened in China and India. Prisoners were put to work on plantations.

What was the hacienda system quizlet?

A system where state owners directly employed natives, who had low wages, high taxes, and large debt to landowners. Workers (part of the Hacienda system) forced to labor for a landlord in order to pay off a debt.

What was the main purpose of chinampas?

Answer: Chinampas were used to increase food production.

What is a chinampa AP world history?

chinampas. “floating gardens” islands of muck heaped in lakes that permitted year-round agriculture to support population => art, trade.

What is Cahokia known for?

Covering more than 2,000 acres, Cahokia is the most sophisticated prehistoric native civilization north of Mexico. Best known for large, man-made earthen structures, the city of Cahokia was inhabited from about A.D. 700 to 1400.

Why was Cahokia so important?

Cahokia was first occupied in ad 700 and flourished for approximately four centuries (c. 950–1350). It reached a peak population of as many as 20,000 individuals and was the most extensive urban centre in prehistoric America north of Mexico and the primary centre of the Middle Mississippian culture.

What did indentured servants do?

Duties. Some indentured servants served as cooks, gardeners, housekeepers, field workers, or general laborers; others learned specific trades such as blacksmithing, plastering, and bricklaying, which they could choose to turn into careers later.

Are indentured servants and slaves the same?

Indentured servitude differed from slavery in that it was a form of debt bondage, meaning it was an agreed upon term of unpaid labor that usually paid off the costs of the servant’s immigration to America. Indentured servants were not paid wages but they were generally housed, clothed, and fed.

What was the hacienda system?

The hacienda system in Mexico was. similar to the feudal system in Europe. It functioned by keeping the people. working on the land in debt in some way or another so that they could not leave. the land that they were working.

How did a hacienda differ from an encomienda?

Although the hacienda is not directly linked to the early grants of indigenous American labor, the encomienda, many Spanish holders of encomiendas did acquire land or develop enterprises where they had access to that forced labor.

What is the origin of Ayllus?

Ayllus descended from stars in the Inca cosmogony, and just like stars had unique celestial locations, each ayllu had a terrestrial location defined by the paqarina, the mythical point of emergence of the lineage huaca.

What did the ayllu do?

Ayllu were self-sustaining social units that would educate their own children and farm or trade for all the food they ate, except in cases of disaster such as El Niño years when they relied on the Inca storehouse system. Each ayllu owned a parcel of land, and the members had reciprocal obligations to each other.

What is the difference between ayllu and ayllus?

Each ayllu owned a parcel of land, and the members had reciprocal obligations to each other. The ayllu would often have their own wak’a, or minor god, usually embodied in a physical object such as a mountain or rock. “Ayullus were named for a particular person or place.”

What is the male head of ayllu called?

The male head of an ayllu is called a mallku which means, literally, condor, but is a title which can be roughly translated as “prince”. They would often have their own wak’a, or minor god, usually embodied in a physical object such as a mountain or rock. “Ayullus were named for a particular person or place.”.