How competitive is it to match into urology?

How competitive is it to match into urology?

How competitive is it to match into urology?

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: With a match rate of 74% in 2021, Urology is an extremely competitive surgical residency. There is substantial demand for information regarding the application process, yet many programs do not publish data to avoid deterring potential applicants.

What are my chances of matching urology?

According to the American Urological Association (AUA), which administers the urology match, 59 of 434 applicants did not match into the specialty in 2019. 9% percent of the U.S. seniors who applied did not match. Based on this data, urology is one of the most competitive specialties.

Why does urology match early?

Due to this timing, the urology match is commonly referred to as an “early” match. The early match allows students who do not match with a urology training program to enter the NRMP match for alternatives without having to wait a full year until the next match takes place.

How competitive is urology in Canada?

The female applicants selecting surgery first increased from 21% (49) to 41% (173). In contrast, females selecting urology first rose from 13% (4) to 17% (7). Conclusion: Urology in Canada is becoming less competitive. Residency positions have doubled since 2002 whereas the number of applicants remains static.

How many interviews do you need to match urology?

Anywhere from five to ten interviews lasting 10-20 minutes with one or two (rarely, three) faculty members at a time. You may or may not have short breaks between interviews. Some places will have you just rotate from office to office, doing 8 interviews in less than two hours with no breaks between interviews.

What time do urology match results come out?

E-mail results and statistics to medical schools. E-mail results with link to match reports to programs. E-mail results to applicants. All results will be available by 9:00 A.M.

How do I become a urologist in Canada?

The Department of Urology at Queen’s University is accredited for full training in the specialty by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. This requires a total of 5 years of postgraduate training: 2 years of Surgical Foundations and 3 years of Urology.

How do I become a urologist in Australia?

Urologists complete at least 5 years of specialist training after they become doctors. In Australia, most urologists are Fellows of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, with the letters FRACS after their name.