How do you audit a website for content?

How do you audit a website for content?

How do you audit a website for content?

How to Run a Content Audit

  1. Think of your goals. First, think about what you want to accomplish.
  2. Gather your content. Which content are you going to audit?
  3. Categorize your content. After receiving your audit, categorize it on the spreadsheet.
  4. Analyze your data.
  5. Create action items.
  6. Optional: Choose a content audit tool.

What’s included in a website audit?

A thorough site audit will identify which pages are ranking for your focus keywords – and which pages may not be ranking at all. It will also identify any pages that have shallow content or “duplicate” content. Duplicate content refers to content that may be too similar to another piece of content on your website.

How do I create a website content inventory?

1. Approach your web content inventory with a goal in mind.

  1. Define specific goals for website content.
  2. Categorize or tag your web content pieces.
  3. Decide which pieces of content help the most in achieving your goals.
  4. Consider whether certain pages or content pieces need to be revised or even removed.

How do you conduct a website design audit?

How to Conduct a Design Audit of Your Website (In 3 Steps)

  1. Your website’s logo in all its formats.
  2. Any background and header images.
  3. All of the icons you use throughout your site.
  4. Samples of all the fonts you use for your content.
  5. A color palette of the tones you use throughout your designs.

How do you SEO content audit?

10-Point Checklist for Conducting an SEO Content Audit

  1. Answer Who, What, How, and Why.
  2. Choose the Content Audit Tools You’ll Use.
  3. Create a List of Every Page on Your Website.
  4. Set Up Your Content Audit Spreadsheet.
  5. Expand Your Spreadsheet With the Right Data.
  6. Find Your Biggest Content Opportunities.
  7. Identify Weak Content.

Which tool is the best fit for doing a content audit?

Google Analytics is one of the most popular content audit tools and for a good reason. It provides comprehensive statistics that help to study visitors’ behavior in details. You can use Google Analytics to find out which of your posts attract more visitors, and which pages have the highest bounce rate.

What is the purpose of website audit?

The purpose of a website audit is to give webmasters a complete and detailed analysis into their sites health, performance and speed.

What is a website quality audit?

For this reason, we developed the “Website Quality Audit”. The tool scrapes all URLs on your site and crosswalks them against vital SEO data sources. This allows us to make decisions about the “quality” of every page on your website and what SEO action we need to take to improve it.

What should a content inventory include?

A content inventory lists out the digital content you have and includes aspects such as each pieces’ name, format, URL, creation date, author, and metadata. A content audit determines the quality of the content and whether it needs to be updated or removed.

How do you design an audit program?

How to Build an Audit Plan

  1. Assess business risks.
  2. Verify the appropriateness of accounting policies and procedures.
  3. Identify areas where special audit consideration may be necessary.
  4. Establish materiality thresholds.
  5. Develop expectations for analytical procedures.
  6. Develop audit procedures.
  7. Reassess the plan.

What should be included in SEO content audit?