What are the Gort 5 subtests?
The GORT-5 measures oral reading rate, accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. It also provides an Oral Reading Index, a combined measure of fluency and comprehension.
What does Gort 5 measure?
oral reading fluency and comprehension
Gray Oral Reading Test Fifth Edition (GORT-5) is one of the most widely used measures of oral reading fluency and comprehension in the United States.
What does the Gort 4 measure?
GORT – 4 is a test used to measure the rate, accuracy, fluency, comprehension and overall reading ability of individuals 6 years 0 months through 18 years 11 months old.
Is the Gort 5 a standardized test?
conduct research. The GORT-5 is a standardized, norm-referenced test, making it suitable for use in reading research.
How often can the Gort-5 be administered?
The test-retest method was used with the GORT-5 with a sample of 248 students ranging in age from 6-23 years. The test was administered using both forms twice to all students 1 to 2 weeks apart.
What is the purpose of the Gort?
The GORT was designed to measure oral reading abilities (i.e., Rate, Accuracy, Fluency, and Comprehension) of students in Grades 2 through 12 due to the noteworthy advantages this type of assessment has over silent reading assessments (e.g., ability for the examiner to analyze miscues and identify an individual’s …
What is the Tpri assessment?
TPRI is a highly reliable early reading assessment designed to identify the reading development of students in kindergarten through third grade. This diagnostic instrument is an easy to use one-on-one assessment, which helps teachers provide targeted instruction so that students improve as readers.
Who can administer the Gort-5?
The GORT-5 should be administered individually by examiners trained in formal assessment such as teachers, school psychologists, and diagnosticians. The GORT-5 kit includes an examiner’s manual, two parallel forms of a student book (A and B), and one examiner record booklet for each form.
Who can administer Gort-5?
The GORT-5 should be administered individually by examiners trained in formal assessment such as teachers, school psychologists, and diagnosticians. The GORT-5 kit includes an examiner’s manual, two parallel forms of a student book (A and B), and one examiner record booklet for each form.
Who administers the Gort?
Trained school psychologists, diagnosticians, and/or interventionists routinely administered the GORT-5 and the WJ IV ACH to students referred for special education testing or reevaluation in the school district.
How is the Gort 5 scored?
The GORT 5 produces four scores and a composite score. The Rate score is derived from the amount of time in seconds taken by a student to read a story aloud. The Accuracy score is derived from the number of words the student pronounces correctly when reading the passage.
What are the gort-5 equivalent forms?
The GORT-5 has two equivalent forms: Form A and Form B. Each form contains 16 developmentally sequenced reading passages with five comprehension questions each. Identify students who may need more intensive or explicit instruction in reading in order to make adequate progress in reading facility and/or comprehension.
How are the WAIS–III subtests used to derive the FSIQ?
The WAIS–III subtests used to derive the FSIQ included only one subtest from the Processing Speed scale, and one additional subtest each from the Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual Organization scales.
Can the Gort 5 identify students with reading difficulties?
Studies indicate that the GORT 5 is able to accurately identify students with reading difficulties. Note: The Training Program and Graduate Student discounts cannot be applied to the items above.