What does the tegmentum do in the brain?

What does the tegmentum do in the brain?

What does the tegmentum do in the brain?

Tegmentum. Reticular formation: This highly diverse and integrative area contains a network of nuclei responsible for many vital functions including arousal, consciousness, sleep-wake cycles, coordination of certain movements, and cardiovascular control.

What are the major structures of the tegmentum?

The tegmentum is located in front of the tectum. It consists of fibre tracts and three regions distinguished by their colour—the red nucleus, the periaqueductal gray, and the substantia nigra.

What is the pontine tegmentum?

The pontine tegmentum, a brainstem structure, are all the regions from the basilar pons to the fourth ventricle. It plays important roles in perception, movement, vigilance, respiration, and the sleep-wake regulation (Plazzi et al., 1996; Alheid et al., 2004; Tziridis et al., 2012).

What happens if the tegmentum is damaged?

Abstract. The brainstem tegmentum, including the reticular formation, contains distinct nuclei, each of which has a set of chemical, physiological and anatomical features. Damage to the brainstem tegmentum is known to cause coma, the most radical disturbance of consciousness.

What does tegmentum mean?

an anatomical covering
Definition of tegmentum : an anatomical covering : tegmen especially : the part of the ventral midbrain above the substantia nigra formed of longitudinal white fibers with arched transverse fibers and gray matter.

What does the word tegmentum mean?

Which structure is not part of the tegmentum?

Structures that develop to grow ventral or lateral outside this primitive tube as add-ons (e.g. the crus cerebri in the anterior of the midbrain) are not considered part of the ‘tegmentum’ as they are not part of the primitive neural tube but grow as projections from the cerebral cortex.

Where is the tectum and tegmentum?

The region of the midbrain posterior to the cerebral aqueduct is called the tectum, which means “roof” in Latin. The tectum consists primarily of the superior and inferior colliculi. The area of the midbrain anterior to, or in front of, the cerebral aqueduct is called the tegmentum.

What function is the pontine tegmentum related to in dreaming?

The pontine tegmentum controls transitions between sleep states and was therefore first proposed as a possible main site of anatomic or functional impairments in narcolepsy.

How do you know if you have brain stem damage?

Symptoms of a brain stem injury include:

  • Abnormal sleeping patterns.
  • Insomnia.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Balance issues.
  • Inability to cough or gag.
  • Difficulty eating, drinking, or swallowing.
  • Slurred speech.