What is a chondroplasty procedure?

What is a chondroplasty procedure?

What is a chondroplasty procedure?

Chondroplasty refers to the smoothing of degenerative cartilage and trimming of unstable cartilage flaps to stabilize and treat chondral lesions. Partial meniscectomy involves trimming unstable flaps of a torn meniscus to establish a stable remnant meniscus.

Can you walk after chondroplasty?

You are encouraged to try to walk as smoothly as possible. Do not do any strenuous activity such as running and jumping until I clear you for this. You may experience some mild discomfort as you walk. You may use crutches, but generally they are not necessary.

How long are you on crutches after chondroplasty?

Most people need to use crutches for the first few weeks following their surgery. Make sure you make arrangements through your work to either take time off or work from home as you recover. You should not operate machinery for at least one to three weeks following your procedure.

Is chondroplasty a debridement?

Chondroplasty (Cartilage Debridement), specifically, involves using surgical instruments to remove damaged cartilage or bone. The surgeon typically does a washout or joint lavage to remove any debris around the affected joint. If loose bodies or fragments remain after the procedure, they are removed.

Is chondroplasty included in synovectomy?

Debridement, Synovectomy, and Chondroplasty During debridement, loose and redundant tissue is removed, including inflamed synovium (synovectomy) and loose cartilage flaps (chondroplasty). Both thermal and mechanical debridement techniques have been described.

When is chondroplasty reportable with Meniscectomy if performed in the same knee?

A Chondroplasty is NEVER coded with a meniscectomy regardless of the compartment. The meniscectomy includes the synovectomy in the code description. The synovectomy is global to the 29880 and should only be reported if done in two different departments from the meniscectomy.

What is intra-articular injection of the knee?

Intra-articular injection of the knee is a common and useful procedure in daily practice. Corticosteroid injections are indicated to treat osteoarthritis of the knee, crystal-induced arthropathy, and synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis; viscosupplementation is a step in the long-term treatment of osteoarthritis.

Do intra-articular steroid injections work for knee arthritis?

Intra-articular corticosteroid injections have been used for decades in the management of symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee and remain a common practice. The pain relief from a steroid injection is thought to work by reducing inflammation within the arthritic knee.

What is knee joint aspiration and injection?

Knee joint aspiration and injection are performed to aid in diagnosis and treatment of knee joint diseases. The knee joint is the most common and the easiest joint for the physician to aspirate.

Should PRP be the first choice for intra-articular injections for knee osteoarthritis?

Despite the suggestion by some authors of using PRP as the first choice in intra-articular injections [37], the indications of PRP injection for knee OA are controversial, and there is no common consensus among orthopedic surgeons for it use.