What is RCN phone number?

What is RCN phone number?

What is RCN phone number?

Please contact us at 800-RING-RCN (800-746-4726) so we may assist you.

Is RCN Boston Good?

Astound Broadband, powered by RCN, offers no contracts and fast download speeds—if you live in the right zip code….Astound Broadband (formerly RCN) customer service.

Rating Overall score Customer service score
HighSpeedInternet.com 2021 Customer Satisfaction 3.7 out of 5 3.8 out of 5

Did RCN change their name?

The Princeton-based TV and internet provider, which serves customers in parts of the Philadelphia and Lehigh Valley regions, is rebranding itself as Astound Broadband. The new name will put RCN and its sister regional services under one national brand after several acquisitions in recent years.

Who owns RCN internet?

Astound Broadband
ABRY Partners
RCN Corporation/Parent organizations

How do I contact RCN?

Get help with your RCN membership Use this form to ask questions about your RCN membership, such as payments and tax relief. You can also find information via our membership pages, or contact our membership team on 0345 772 6100.

Where is RCN based?

Royal College of Nursing
Headquarters 20 Cavendish Square, london W1G 0RN
Location United Kingdom
Key people Sidney Browne (Founder)
Publication Nursing Standard

Which is better RCN or spectrum?

In terms of availability and coverage, Spectrum wins the battle because their internet and other services are available widely to all people. Spectrum offers Internet services to 46 states as opposed to the seven states that RCN offers.

How long does RCN installation take?

Time Commitment: RCN employs a shorter service time window (two hours), but it’s long enough to still require taking a chunk out of your day to wait for a technician to arrive.

Did RCN become Astound?

RCN is changing to Astound Broadband under a unification of five regional companies acquired by a private equity firm, with the formal transition to the Astound name announced Wednesday. For now, it’s being called “Astound Broadband powered by RCN.”

Did RCN get sold?

RCN, one of the Lehigh Valley’s primary cable TV and internet providers, is changing hands again in the private equity world.

When should I call the RCN?

If your enquiry is urgent or you need to speak to the advice team, call us on 0345 772 6100, 8.30am-4pm weekdays.