How are commas used in compound and complex sentences?

How are commas used in compound and complex sentences?

How are commas used in compound and complex sentences?

Compound-complex sentences Rule: When a sentence begins with a dependent clause that applies to two independent clauses that follow, insert a comma after the dependent clause, but do not insert a comma between the independent clauses.

Do you use commas in compound sentences?

In compound sentences, both a comma and a coordinating conjunction are needed. They act as a signal to let “the readers to know that another complete sentence is coming” (Kolln, Rhetorical Grammar 48).

What are the 10 rules of commas?

When to Use a Comma: 10 Rules and Examples

  • Rule #1: Use Commas to Separate Items in a List.
  • Rule #2: Use a Comma After an Introductory Word or Phrase.
  • Rule #3: Use a Comma Before a Quotation.
  • Rule #4: Use a Comma to Separate a Dependent Clause That Comes BEFORE the Independent Clause.

How do you write a complex sentence example?

A complex sentence combines a dependent clause with an independent clause. When the dependent clause is placed before the independent clause, the two clauses are divided by a comma; otherwise, no punctuation is necessary. Example: Because the soup was too cold, I warmed it in the microwave.

What are complex sentences?

Complex Sentences A complex sentence contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause.

How do you know where to put commas?

Use commas after introductory a) clauses, b) phrases, or c) words that come before the main clause. a. Common starter words for introductory clauses that should be followed by a comma include after, although, as, because, if, since, when, while. While I was eating, the cat scratched at the door.