What is PML in PDMS?

What is PML in PDMS?

What is PML in PDMS?

PML stands for Programmable Macro Language – it is a programming language for AVEVA PDMS. Such concepts like variable, arrays, forms, collection, loop and etc.

How do I create a macro in PDMS?

Start the Design module. Right click on any toolbar and select Customize….Adding a UI Button

  1. Set the Caption to ‘Export to PDMx’
  2. Set the Command to ‘Macro: show !! PDMxExportFrm’
  3. Set the Icon if you require an icon.
  4. Set the tool tip if you require a tool tip.
  5. Click Apply.

What is PML coding?

Programmable Macro Language (PML) is a domain specific language developed by AVEVA to enable customisation of their plant and marine design products.

What is PML program?

PML is an acronym for Program Macro Language. The Program Macro Language is included in the WebSmart design tool for extending the logic and functionality of the applications you build using the software. PML has syntactic similarities to C and Java, and functional similarities to RPG IV.

What is PML in design?

What is the measure of PML?

The Probable Maximum Loss report identifies the PML value, expressed as a percentage of the building’s replacement cost and estimates the potential damage during a 475-year earthquake – the lower the percentage, the lower the expected damage.

What is a good PML?

Typically, lenders and insurance companies rely on what’s known as a PML (Probable Maximum Loss) (or SUL and SEL) and they’re looking for a building to achieve a PML of less than 20%. There’s is no “universal standard”; however, this is most commonly the case.

What does PML stand for business?

Probable Maximum Loss (PML) Definition. Corporate Finance & Accounting Corporate Insurance.

Why is PML important?

The probable maximum loss (PML) represents the worst-case scenario for an insurer, provided that there is no failure of existing safeguards, such as fire sprinklers or flood barriers. This is usually lower than the maximum foreseeable loss, the potential damage if such safeguards fail.

What is the pdms-2?

The PDMS-2 is an early childhood motor development program that provides in-depth assessment and training or remediation of gross and fine motor skills. The six PDMS-2 subtests include Reflexes, Stationary, Locomotion, Object Manipulation, Grasping, and Visual-Motor Integration.

When should the Peabody pdms-2 be used?

The Peabody Developmental Motor Scale -2 is appropriate and should be used for children from birth to 5 years (72 months) old. [2] PDMS-2 Toolkit[edit| edit source]

What are the most reliable scores for the pdms-2?

Use of standard scores and percentiles to age equivalents when reporting results to parents and other professionals is preferred and the most reliable scores for the PDMS-2 are the quotients (Folio & Fewell, 2000) PDMS-2 provides qualitative and quantitative information about child’s motor development (Wuang et al, 2012)

When should suspicious infants be included in pdms-2?

When suspicious infants are included with normal infants, the only Adequate sensitivity and specificity is for the 16 th percentile cut-off point at 4 months PDMS-2 generally demonstrates Poor predictive values in infants who are at-risk or preterm.