What are Clun Forest Sheep used for?

What are Clun Forest Sheep used for?

What are Clun Forest Sheep used for?

They are a multi–purpose animal, kept for meat, wool, and milk. Like other dark faced sheep, Clun produce quality lamb and mutton. However, in contrast to more common meat breeds such as Suffolks, their wool is free of undesirable black fibres and kemp, and is suitable for handspinning.

How big are Clun Forest sheep?

Conformation: Clun Forests are medium-size sheep; rams fall in the 175 to 200 pound range and ewes weigh between 130 and 160 pounds. Clun Forest sheep sport creamy off-white fleece with dark brown faces and lower legs; they are open-faced sheep with attractive, wooly topknots.

How much does a Clun Forest Sheep weigh?

Breed Information

MATURE BODY WEIGHT Ram: 175-200 lbs. Ewe: 130-160 lbs.
AVERAGE FIBER DIAMETER Micron: 28-33 USDA Wool Grade: 46’s-54’s

Where is the Clun Forest?

Clun Forest is a remote, rural area of open pastures, moorland and mixed deciduous/coniferous woodland in the southwest part of the English county of Shropshire and also just over the border into Powys, Wales. It was once a Royal hunting forest covering an area that stretched from Ludlow up the Clun Valley.

Can sheep live in a forest?

Sheep and goats are a bit more difficult to grow in a forest pasture situation since they like to eat twigs and thin-barked trees. There is also less data available for good ways to combine these livestock with trees, but I’ve got a couple of thoughts.

Why is Icelandic lamb so good?

Icelandic lamb is a wonderfully flavorful, exceptionally lean meat from animals raised with no antibiotics, ever and no added hormones. Pesticides and herbicides are seldom used in Iceland where the climate naturally protects the land.

What livestock can live in woods?

Pigs, ducks, guinea fowl and chickens all love the woods. These non-ruminant animals can get much of what they need from the forest floor and don’t require as much greenery as, say, cattle or sheep.

Can sheep graze Woodland?

Sheep are highly selective grazers, eating more live vegetation, other fine-leaved grasses and tender shoots, but less fibrous material. Sheep have a greater compaction issue on the ground, and are unsuitable for tree regeneration.