What is monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance?

What is monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance?

What is monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance?

Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is a condition in which an abnormal protein — known as monoclonal protein or M protein — is in your blood. This abnormal protein is formed within your bone marrow, the soft, blood-producing tissue that fills in the center of most of your bones.

Is Scleromyxedema fatal?

Scleromyxedema is described as an unpredictable disease, but is usually progressive, debilitating, and lethal in the absence of a successful treatment. Death may result from complications with extracutaneous involvement or treatment side effects.

How long can you live with monoclonal gammopathy?

Data from the Mayo Clinic showed that the median survival of MGUS patients was 8.1 years compared to 11.8 in the comparable US population. In a prior study from Denmark, 1,324 MGUS patients were found to have a 2-fold higher mortality compared to that of the general population.

What causes Scleromyxedema?

Scleromyxedema is often associated with visceral disease. Gastrointestinal findings are most common. Dysphagia from esophageal involvement often occurs, and the stomach or intestine may also be affected. Pulmonary complications with dyspnea caused by restrictive or obstructive disease are also common.

Who treats scleromyxedema?

“Dermatologists are often the first specialists to see these patients and to make the diagnosis of this disabling and potentially fatal condition, whose therapy is challenging,” he said. From his European multi-center study of 30 patients with scleromyxedema and from a personal trial on eight patients, Dr.

Where is back pain in multiple myeloma?

Multiple myeloma can cause pain in any bone, but you’ll most likely feel it in your: Back. Hips.

Does MGUS cause fatigue?

Your doctor is likely to watch for signs and symptoms such as: Bone pain. Fatigue or weakness. Unintentional weight loss.